
The world is finally investing in climate solutions. But are we investing in the *right* ones? No, not really. Science can help us find the best solutions using 6 simple criteria, which I outline in my TED talk. Please check it out & share with your network. Thank you!
The climate solutions worth funding — When it comes to climate solutions, "now is better than new, and time is more important than tech," says scientist Jonathan Foley. He presents a six-part framework to more efficiently address climate ...
Fantastic talk Jonathon. What a great, accessible resource for explaining where and when to focus our climate action efforts. I am curious to hear your thoughts on how to fix that mismatch of capital & carbon that you mentioned at the end of your talk.
Funnily enough I read this article just before watching your talk. It’s great news for acting on one of the emergency brake/right now solutions you mentioned.