
1. Restore Roe. Biden is already saying this. 2. Limit the Supreme Court. 3. Pass gun safety laws. 4. Eliminate student debt. 5. Expand the ACA. Lots more. Pass it on.
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
Restore the Voting Rights Act Impeach every last conservative justice on SCOTUS and reverse the bad decisions Heavily invest in Solar & Wind PROSECUTE THE INSURRECTIONIST Outlaw all Confederate flags/monuments TAX BILLIONAIRES
Tax churches because they won’t stay apolitical Enshrine the ERA in every state; not one can opt out. And add LGBTQ protections National Mass Transit; no way for rail/air to sidestep safety Water/Food security for all, no exceptions Prosecution of all news media for mis/disinfo; this includes owners
Don't forget increase the number of sitting judges on the Supreme Court to 11 and install an ENFORCEABLE code of ethics.
I say 13 to represent the 13 Districts of Federal courts. It was increased to 9 to represent the nine districts at the time.