Guy Thompson

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Guy Thompson

Games, ADHD & fitness.
Finally started Dragon's Dogma 2 a few days ago and have already logged 14 hours. What a strange and awesome journey simulator this thing is.
Sorry guys, I'm looking for more zen in my zone these days.
Frame-gen is a toy in my opinion. It causes unfortunate artifacts most of the time and gives the entire image a soft look. I only leave it on when the game is in dire performance shape. Super Resolution however is the real shit.
I would love a decently specced Android tablet that's light and ~8 inches but nobody is making them.
The days of your big AAA game releasing in PlayStation & Xbox on day one are over. PlayStation & PC makes way more sense these days (and switch if the title fits). Hopefully Rockstar realizes this in time for GTA 6.
Google: AI is my entire personality. No I mean literally 100%.
The current Helldivers 2 PSN debacle might go down as one of the biggest unforced errors in gaming history. It also could just blow over. Let's find out together.
40fps locked on a VRR display should absolutely be the new 30fps. With a separate option to unlock above 40 as an added bonus. This feels worlds better to the player with only a 33% increase in render budget.
What Moon Studios is doing with No Rest For The Wicked's visuals is stunning. It's quite heavy performance wise right now but nothing a year of optimization and some DLSS can't fix.
There are so many products I would happily pay $20 to $30 a year to have access to. But no, it seems like the floor is around here. Naw dawg.
Hello laptop makers. You shouldn't be selling Windows laptops with 8 gigs of RAM for more than $400.
I really should knock off at least one star for people that stay in my Airbnb and leave the toilet paper spinning the wrong way.
Baldur's Gate 3 has blown up so much I think Larian should make some sort of tabletop RPG based on the rules.
Prepping for and selling a car is just too damn much. I should have just taken the trade-in offer.
I knew it was going to be a weird day when it started with me switching to Microsoft Edge.
Pretty impressed with the Steam Deck OLED so far. And I've barely scratched the surface.
I'm calling the cops because streaming podcasts from my Pixel Watch 2 for a few hours just murdered it's battery in a few hours. Lesson learned.
Avatar Welcome to Bluesky Giant Squid! I loved Abzu & The Pathless, & am looking forward to Sword of the Sea. I truly hope you guys have the time and means to make it the best it can be.
After binging a bunch of new releases, I think Jusant might be the best thing to have come out this season.
Thanksgiving walk to avoid the kitchen dragons.
Hello bluesky. I very badly want to buy a Steam Deck OLED despite knowing it doesn't even slightly fit into my life. This is today's first, "Am I really an adult?" check.
End of feed.