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A funkalicious little rodent, hold me like hamburger(gentle)
I dont care what village/town/city/county or state youre in. The november, you, yes. YOU. Go out and vote. Ah ah ah, dont give me that "but my state is this way or that way". Every vote counts. Dont even hit me with "rigged" doomerism, thats a sorry excuse to parden yourself of any responsibility.
Damn, im just remembering ksp2 devs interview documentary about how theyre proud of what theyre doing with 2 revamping it and all. Now it makes me a bit bitter and angry knowing how they were actually making the game behind the scenes.
In regards to voting
One of the bigger points id like to point out is that voting takes 1 minute if you already know who to vote for. 20-30 if you need to do a little research. More importantly these few minutes can and will affect you and everyone for the next 4 years. Thats a lot of weight being given to you.
Jesus this Twitch email is giving off serious "or else" energy
Damn, heres hoping that ksp2 keeps chugging alomg, however unlikely
Im gay and im gonna make it a problem.
Uuhg, i need to go through my mp3 files and label them properly one of these days
Happy pride month yall :3 remember that the us government warned us of a potential terrorist act that could happen this month because of lgbtq+ hatred, so stay safe!!
Todays a good day :3 a great day, even :3
Why the fuck hasnt minecraft implemented better defenses for villages? Like i get that there shold be some pressure to help them but having literally no defense besides 1 MAYBE 2 iron gulloms as defense is so shit! They cant even last a week without help!
Your daily reminder to get to blocking those spam emailers from your mailing list. No seriously take some real time out of your day and block every spam email from the past like 2 years, you'll thank yourself down the line when you get like only 2-3 aday instead of dozens
Yo, why does large biomes actually fuck? Looks like what actual continents look like(still a rover issue though)
What if we made a show about anthropomorphic animals and the premise is that they are gay men who just kiss as a passion and a sport? Could, c-ould we start a kickstarter for this? 🐁💦
Hey so like, quick question. Is legoshi gay? Like i know about the rabbit girl and the wolf girl being possible love interests, but non stop ive seen nothing but extremely homoerotic situations between him and lewis(the deer boy)
You know, considering how many people there are with permanent hyperfication on trains, im genuinely shocked that theres almost noone in office fighting tooth and nail to see the day we get a complete railway system for the public to use that spans coast to coast
Imagine how awesome the world would be if long distance relationships werent long distances :3
Genuinely crazy how many things humans can eat without feeling sick or get poisoned from. Like yeh there are quite a bit of poisonous things for us, but we can scarf down so many simple things that would send most animals to an early grave
How the hell can mcdonalds look absolutely fucking rancid but taste like something cooked by the devine gods above? It boggles my mind that their burgers last for an eternity but STILL BANG
I think cyberpunk77 is now worth its time, its no masterpiece in its mechanics or bugs, but damn, its pretty nice now
Wow. It really goes to show, that no matter how successful a product is. How well recieved it is. How much of a cult following it could obtain. In the future and beyond. Companies.. can *not* stop shooting themselves in the foot in attempts to get that final speculative hit for their own greed. Jeez
I often think about how terrifying the world must be through the eyes of conspiracy theorists. Instead of trying to shine light on specific and real unanswered problems they look at science and go "BIG SCARY!" and try to explain it in ways that are actually insane, even to people who dont try to.
Hey you want some rice? A lot of rice? A big bag full of rice? Huh? You want a truck load of rice? A boat load? Perhaps a dumpster full of rice? Wow, golly thats a lot. Oh? You want more? A room full of rice? A house full of rice? Land fill? County? Country? Ocean? planet!!? Wow, thats a lot of rice
Yo, when the fuck did dasani become a neutral tasting water? Last time i had it it felt like im consuming raw lead, now it tastes.. absolutely fine? Weird world
What suprises me a lot about social media is the follow for follow people, particularly if theyre almost a completely blank profile minus the pfp or name or maybe even bio, because those are to just make a quick following for a bait and switch. Annoying 🙄
God, im having a blasty blast rewatching a bunch of retro cartoons right now created by larry schwarz, that being three delivery, speed racer the next generation and kappa mikey. Fuuuck dude, i wish nicktoons kept this man going
I like how often we build double doors in minecraft. Speak honestly, whens the last time youve seen a house with double door entrances? We yearn for girthy entrance ways but are so deprived of them in real life.
One cool thing about bluesky opening up and getting popular is that im rediscovering some peeps that i use to follow on twitter, which makes me very bright eyed for the future of this platform :3
Daily reminder to doomers gloomers and black pilled "nothing will ever get better" folk. Tos, eula, and contracts are not law, and will never be law(at least as long as governments exist). Just because its in the tos doesn't mean you cant pursuit them in legal ways.