
what happens if you raise a dingo puppy as a normal dog? πŸ€” IIRC feral horses do fine since genetically they haven't un-domesticated themselves, wonder of the same is true of feral dogs
interesting! wasn't aware of that about cats β€” any tips on where to read more about this? my impression was that with cats it's more about socialization in the first 4-6 weeks of life than being of a feral lineage but i am in no way an expert and might well be mistaken
I don't remember the particulars but the short answer is no. The long answer is that people have tried. Doing a quick double check of new science suggests they're not actually domestic but a common ancestor to domestic dogs.
interesting, thanks! if you're doing Science Checks would you mind linking what you're looking at? my google-fu, never strong, has become considerably weaker since search engines went to shit, but I'd be interested to see the literature
"start with Wikipedia" is a thing I'm used to with history but not in the habit of doing with the physical sciences, i need to get better about that thanks! (also I too use DDG but it's always been clunkier than google and it too has gotten noticeably worse)
Yeah I really have to dig down. I didn't find what I was actually looking for which is the people who attempted to domesticate a breed of dingo.