
It’s still a Happy Friday. We can do this. 💜
Life goes on. I'm a little deflated, but steadfast.
I’m a little deflated too, but also more determined. Obviously we have to do this ourselves, as the media framing is part of the problem. They love a horse race, they love to build a narrative that receives anxious clicks and makes the money pour in. But we love democracy — and will fight harder.
I made a small donation to Joe this morning. Would have made a large one if I could have! I'm watching/listening to much less media these days. Partly because I cancelled cable, and also because I'm tired of the BS on the media, even MSNBC.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on that. I’m giving what I can too.
Aw...this is excellent! Happy Friday Chef! Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to pop in the ear buds and take a hike to my zen spot! Hope you have the best day🌺
Yes! I would add “go outside” to each of those…thank you for the reminder and Happy Friday to you!
Thanx, 'port. That is some excellent advice. Now if only I had the time and energy to utilize it all. 😏
I’m going out for a long walk and it’ll take care of a few of these.
Good for you! All kidding aside, that's why I take a 45-minute walk, every morning before breakfast. In addition to helping me maintain my overall physical health, the walks also serve to shed some accumulated and unnecessary poundage, and they do wonders for my mental outlook. 🙂
Thank you, Goodport 👋😊👍💛