
As I kept saying and keep saying, this was always going to happen. "New school" anti-COVID vaccine antivaxxers are devolving into just antivaxxers, repeating very old antivax tropes, misinformation, and lies about, for example, SIDS and vaccines and vaccines causing autism.
I guess I'm surprised at how much of this is circulating/amplifying in church communities. My father was telling me his "Men's Bible Study Group" spent most of their time together sharing vaccine & COVID misinformation they read on Facebook.
There is a lot of overlap with the "Boomers radicalized by Facebook because Zuck is a horrendous human being" in that, though the religious overlap only amplifies that by promoting anti-intellectualism and a disdain for critical thinking.
I wonder if there's some ur-conspiracy that all of these threads lead to….
I couldn't imagine what that might be, hmmm
You shouldn't be surprised. Nothing spreads as much anti-science crap than church communities. Even more so in Texas and other southern states where there's higher rates of uneducated folks.
Wait... Is that turd Makis allowed to call himself Dr. and MD? Wasn't he booted from his program?