Graham Sim

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Graham Sim

Husband, father, and author of urban fantasy mystery "Screaming in the Shadows". Sharing book recommendations and rants into the void.
I am loving the returning officer from Blyth's outfit. Like a fabulous Peacock.
Could someone shepherd's crook Nadine Dorris off Chanel 4's election coverage. painful watch
🔍 Meet Yannia Wilde, a unique detective in "Fallible Justice." She's not your typical hard-boiled PI; she's dealing with a dark past and a medical condition, making her journey even more compelling. Follow her intriguing story! #BookReview #Mystery #Mystery
Five Reasons to Read Fallible 📖 "Fallible Justice" by Laura Laakso - 5 Reasons You Need to Read This Urban Fantasy Novel! 🌟1️⃣ Clever World Building: Laakso masterfully introduces the magical world of Old London without overwhelming the reader with exposition. Subtle yet captivating!2️⃣ Poetic Writing Style: Laakso's prose is a blend of direct and magical, creating a vivid and enchanting portrayal of Old London.3️⃣ Yannia - Intriguing Detective: The protagonist, Yannia Wilde, is not your typical detective. She has a dark past but it doesn't define her, and she battles a medical condition that adds depth to her character.4️⃣ Fascinating Magic System: The magic in Fallible Justice is both otherworldly and bound by rules, striking a perfect balance between mysterious and comprehensible.5️⃣ Engaging Mystery: While the central mystery may not be the most complex, Laakso weaves in enough subterfuge and intrigue to keep you turning pages.Don't miss out on this under-appreciated gem in the urban fantasy genre! If you haven't read "Fallible Justice" yet, you're in for a treat! 🧙‍♀️🔍 #FallibleJustice #LauraLaakso #urbanfantasy #bookrecommendation #mustread
If you've ever wondered what an Urban Fantasy without magic could look like, you may want to take a look at Screaming in The Shadows, by me!
Just submitted a tax return. Feel like I deserve some sort of reward for navigating this horrible system.
My top 10 TV that I can think of today The Bear Red Dwarf The Expanse Deep Space 9 Bluey Farscape Community The Boys As We See it Supernatural (yes, I said it)
My Top 10 TV that I can think of today The Bear Arrested Development Community Psych Babylon 5 Battlestar Galactica (Reboot) Star Trek (All) Plebs Firefly Brooklyn 99
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Today's book choice is In a Place of Darkness by Stuart MacBride. #AmReading 💙📚
My 7 year old offered to spend his money (all $10) on an electric wheelchair for my dad. Showing, in one moment, more empathy towards the infirm than the entire conservative government. Can't wait to wake up on July 5th
Sad moment today, realized my 7 year old is too good at spelling for me to help him without Google. He isn't advanced. I'm just that dyslexic
That Bluey episode with the planets/nighttime has me in absolute bits. Amazing writing
Anyone else find themselves stuck writing conversations between their characters that they know will have to be cut in editing? Or am I an idiot?
Feels like the centerists and more left leaning people of the USA and UK are in very different places. In the UK we are counting down the days till it's over. In the US you are counting down the days until the end (although I hope not)
Spent three months planning this novel. Have abandoned said plan and I'm only a third through. Why did I try to be a plotter?
I truly believe that all political discourse should be a mature exchange of ideas... But also that Nigel Farage should get milkshaked every day of this campaign.
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. 📚💙 Day 1
How come I'm 40 and still don't know what to say at the barber's? Have I failed adulting?
I can't even bring myself to be happy about Trumps convictions. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop
Anyone else love old sci-fi book covers?
Hit my, tiny, word count target after a few months off due to bad health. Im so happy I'm doing a lap of honour round my empty house.
Reading Norse Mythology by to my 7yo is wonderful. Reminds me of falling in love with myths at his age. A memory I will cherish long after he has forgotten. Thank you.
Currently going through a rewatch of Supernatural and it still holds up. The out there episodes are great and Jenson Ackles comic timing is always on point
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Stopped writing for two months due to health/painkiller issues now trying to pick up the pieces of a book I barely remember. Feels like I'm desperately trying to rekindle the flames of a long dead romance.
It's embarrassing to know this. But quality whiskey goes surprisingly well with cheap fondant fancies.
Watching Last Airbender on Netflix, enjoying it but it's another fantasy which makes more sense if you assume low intelligence is a byproduct of magical ability
Writing with sciatica is annoying, all my characters end up sioer grumpy
Everyone I open this app I get Mr Bluesky stuck in my head. An added bonus
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