Graveycat Summer Edition

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Graveycat Summer Edition

Thembo from Ohio - 38, I draw Strange, Spicy, and sometimes Postfurry art! ACAB!!! Gravewalker on FA, Graveycat everywhere else.
Comms not open yet! TY for follows and love <3
Icon by Emmbunn!
Artfight attack for Astavielze 💕 #art #furry
Scruffy opossum gal at the record store! She's got a kinked tail, has a ton of stories for how it happened, too bad it was just slammed in a door by accident! Bottom doodle is her reading a super hero comic with 's Hazard on the cover :)c
Did I ever post this Jersey devil I got to do for Anthrohio? Well here he is! I have some more art from that con to share too now it's well past it! ;D
You can be soft AND tough! Check out here! :D
I’ve got a uterus, I’m queer, and I draw porn, so while you can claim none of this would effect you (no wait, if you follow me, you consume porn, therefore you’re being imprisoned with me), you can’t ever tell me not to care. These ppl have done enough physically that I don’t write this off.
Been practicing traditional art again! This is from one of my homemade sketchbooks. :B A goopy slime hunk in marker and colored pencil.
I've been enjoying depicting my tummy lately, I hope you enjoy it! :3
Took the first(?) bobcat Gravey pic and gave it a makeover! Alt's in the replies! A lil 90's/Y2K flair B)
"Summer days drifting away To uh, oh those summer nights" Beachy themed commission for Cerine and Cobalt (Crimson) 🦊🏖️🐯
Ohh this hits hard, pretty much a home run on my feelings :,) Including the "it touched me" kinda stuff at the start. I'm thankful the fandom has changed and that I have a wonderful husband and friends who insist I'm wrong when I complain about my big ol' body. This is really a lovely comic!
Bingo opens up about their heartbreaking body image struggles over the years and how they're learning to appreciate and enjoy their beautiful body now in this comic from the archive.
Choo choo! Ryoku is all aboard the doughnut train, he could use some more tho! (lil belated b-day doodle for my best doggo-husband 💙
I found my Monster Rancher fan character!!! <3 I need to draw her again so bad with her champs! My game file for MR2 is in like, year 79/80 so my rancher is an old lady :)) Her nickname is Fox, and 3 of her champs are a Mum Mew, Evil Hare, and a Celious. :3
Rampant Unicorn I'll be coloring this soon! Drawn while playing DnD this past weekend. Inspired by us encountering one!
ANYWAY: Make black and white comics. Make scarily personal comics. Make weird comics that shock and enthrall and horrify and even disgust, don't be "safe," don't be "easy," make exactly what you want. Thank you, that is all.
Gonna share this cute art I got from Kiba a year or so ago! Happy Pride everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
Happy birthday to my dear friend Just a quick little something since we don't get to hang out IRL this month!
More badges I've done! :D Marker and Watercolor!
Heya!! I'll be going to Anthrocon this July, along with Ryoku and my besties, Axi and Espent! Been a few years, and I won't be in the alley/den this year. But been thinking, would folks be into me delivering some badges? I think I want to get back into commissions by taking a few conbadges! :D
Hey friends I'm doing a small shop update today! This is all available right now. Link in bio
Heya!! I'll be going to Anthrocon this July, along with Ryoku and my besties, Axi and Espent! Been a few years, and I won't be in the alley/den this year. But been thinking, would folks be into me delivering some badges? I think I want to get back into commissions by taking a few conbadges! :D
Demon Pan is here to usher in PriDE MONth fashionably late! Ya'll are SNACCs! Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
Some old stencil work I did, would love to try it out again!