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Queer video game speedrunner and vtuber. I do charity work with Frame Fatales, Lady Arcaders, and Power Up With Pride, as well as several other speedrunning groups.
Email: [email protected]
Fun fact, the expansion for Elden Ring was not written by George R R Martin, it was written by the guy who finished Wheel of Time. They hired an author who's best known for finishing a work he didn't start because the original author couldn't. Martin doesn't have the excuse of being dead though xD
These meds are absolutely destroying me and I just want to not move.
So far of the two seeds I've run for Map Rando, highest time was 2:35. If I can get it consistent in the 2:20 range I can absolutely start marathon submissions for it.
The weightloss drugs I'm on are quite effective, but they make me feel like absolute garbage for a day or so after I take em.
If you were at SGDQ by the way, you should probably take a covid test. I've seen a lot of chatter about people testing positive. I've personally not tested positive.
So I finally decided to go all in on playing Super Metroid Map Rando again. Turns out when you don't play a randomizer for 50+ versions, it changes a lot. It looks like they've done a huge amount of rebalancing, they've fully implemented their retile system for areas. So far I'm deeply impressed.
Reposted byAvatar GrayGooGirl
I hope in the near future GDQ events can settle on a platform that isn't X for their primary communication. I'd really like to not reinstall X for AGDQ2025. It's kinda surprising that GDQ of all things is the only thing keeping me on X.
Well since I'm now going full in on being at most GDQ events moving forward, I'm setting up a pelican case for traveling with my RGB modded consoles: New-Style SNES Famicom AV FDS N64 (probably)
I had so much fun this week and met so many cool folk. I'm also excited to get home and sit on my couch with my partner and our cats and just relax. I'm definitely going to AGDQ.
Gremlin after a long day at the office.
apparently we’re posting our cats in boxes
Last night was great right up until it wasn't. I had a pretty bad allergic reaction to something, not sure what, but I ended up in the ER with full body hives. I'm fine now but exhausted.
I got to Guest GM for KusoGrande Live! It was a huge amount of fun and I'm stoked I got to give out some trash from my youth.
Can someone help me, I need to approach a friend about self-harm and don't know how.
Holy shit I got gendered correctly at TSA. No matter what happens from here, it's a good day.
So this is the first time in my life I'm flying by myself for anything other than work.
I'm all set for my flight tomorrow. Bags packed, Lyft scheduled, and if all goes according to plan I'll be at SGDQ by 1:30ish
Going live with my one year affiliate anniversary stream! We're gonna be running some cursed randos and celebrating a full year of hard work.
GrayGooGirl - Special: 1 Year Affiliate Anniversary! (and some appropriately cursed randos to celebrate)
My 1 year affiliate anniversary is happening tomorrow at Starting at Noon ET I'll be running a collection or my favorite randomizers. Things that are typically a mainstay of my channel, maybe with some twists and turns.
GrayGooGirl - I like old games on original hardware. I play a lot of randomizers. I do a bunch of charity streams because they're fun! (she/they)
Shits looking really fucking grim right now. We're likely gonna lose trans care nationally. They're likely going to criminalized visible trans existence, as if the law will be anything more than a show at that point. Make sure going into January that you've got a reasonable stockpile of meds.
I feel like retro achievements has given new life to a lot of my favorite games. It's also validation that I'm pretty good at most of these games. I also like that they've got the two tiered system, if you want to use states and rewind you absolutely can and still participate.
Link to the Past has been Mastered on Hardcore for Retro Achievements!
Saturday is gonna be my 1 year affiliate anniversary stream! I'm planning to have a couple of little surprises and it's gonna be a really long stream.
Every accusations is an admission. This is the fuckwad that tried to claim queer folk were groomers.
oh hey look it's one of the guys who loves to call LGBTQ people groomers and what has he been up to ... oh
Yoooo, it's only gonna cost $300 to fix the bumper snafu. I thought it was gonna be way worse.
Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree I want to know who hurt Miyazaki and why he's taking it out on us.