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She/her | 38 | I draw one girl and a lot of boyfri
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I'm aware that my art is being copied. I have them blocked, please stop telling me about it
Going to keep sharing my faux cels, since folks seemed to really like them. One for who's characters are always a blast to play with.
Into The Unknown Commission for Tomcat_Alley!
I am in complain-about-shit-that-don't-matter mode today. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the stuff I can't control happening in the world.
I got two random dice bag runs from Urwizards and both times I feel like they've given me their worst/least liked stock... XD It also feels like the dice aren't truly random because I've bought d20s both times and the results feel themed with those? I need a new mystery d20 source.
Gonna stop buying minecraft realms I swear to god. The profanity filter is so puritan you can't communicate at times. I died in game trying to explain that the filter toggle on my accounts does no good. Now I'm annoyed that when I post online I have to explain that I already know obvious things XD
I want a video game where the monster was just fucking around the whole time. They're not sad/angry/vengeful you're just lost in their backyard and they could show you how to get out but it's more fun to herd you toward the exit with a good scare or ten. Wholesome werewolf.
Some art fight returns. (Probably gonna a roll a dice on which to return of the attacks I get this year. Otherwise it turns into a second commissions que haha...)
when you're by yourself do you ever just awoo 🎵 awoo woo 🎵🎵
Time to fish for fresh blood. If you like art fight, Hetherev is kind of like that year round.
Heth is an art challenge RP hangout. - 21 and older only, sorry. - Draw your OC meeting someone else's. - Nightly voice chat/multistream. - The basics/willingness to try required to participate. - Non-artists welcome in guest areas. No deadlines. No expectation to participate.
stream time gonna try to burn through sketch previews
I don't know where the hit box is on magic erase tool in photohsop but it feels like it's no where it should be.
My comic page has been going slowly (I'm being very picky about the last panel), so I swapped out working on it today for doing a written version of the first few pages. I kinda hate this lol Following what happens in the pages too stringently isn't any fun, but winging it changes the vibe.
Revenge on Jacky and Kaali find a Guinee pond.
throat growl Drawing Junior has breathed some life back into my love for shading with black. Not enough to do it all the time though... haha
Time to fish for fresh blood. If you like art fight, Hetherev is kind of like that year round.
Heth is an art challenge RP hangout. - 21 and older only, sorry. - Draw your OC meeting someone else's. - Nightly voice chat/multistream. - The basics/willingness to try required to participate. - Non-artists welcome in guest areas. No deadlines. No expectation to participate.
An animator of one of my favorite childhood shows followed me on Cara and I'll be thinking about that every time I post something vore-adjacent over there not that it will stop me
close up cause I like how this turned out
"Hey lady does your dog bite?" "Yes." I gave Junior chunky molars because I want his bite to inspire the maximum amount of regret.
Thema and I roleplay on the Heth server, but we like full freedom to write, and sometimes that means figuring out how a character feels about sex. So we frequently tap out to a side server for a few posts. And I just wonder if someone thinks we're writing smut every other day Lol
I realized twitter was a stupid place to do this-- Who were the formative accounts you used to watch on DA? The ones that we were all at least dimly aware of because they ran the same circles or just made cool art/had cool headworlds. Point me at some names.
Junior, Kaali and Jacky stop to look at a frog. Artfight attack on
I'm focused on drawing myOC + theirOC interactions for art fight this year. Are there any casts by other artists on art fight you'd be interested in seeing a crossover of? Point me in some directions.
I like how Jacky looks with slightly longer hair but I'm realizing why I stopped drawing it that way to begin with. It doesn't match the pony tail lol