Steven Greenhouse

Steven Greenhouse

Retired New York Times labor reporter, senior fellow Century Foundation, author of Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present, and Future of American Labor
Biden narrowly lost the blue-collar vote in 2020, and new polls show him doing worse with blue-collar voters Here, several political experts give smart advice on how Biden should woo blue-collar voters. One idea—pick fights with villains like greedy corporations
One path for Biden to lure blue-collar voters – find the economic villains: ‘You have to pick fights’ Experts say Biden can win back working-class Americans if he hammers home the message that he is helping them on pocketbook issues
This is obscene and should be illegal and shows how shamelessly corrupt Donald Trump is. Trump is selling big policy decisions in exchange for big donations. He told oil executives they if they donate $1 billion to his campaign he'll scrap many climate change rules.
At a Dinner, Trump Assailed Climate Rules and Asked $1 Billion From Big At a private meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the former president said fossil fuel companies should donate to help him beat President Biden.
THIS IS OBSCENE & CORRUPT >> Trump told oil industry CEO's that if they raise $1 billion for his campaign, he will, if elected, immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental policies, including on electrical vehicles & wind power
What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President Biden’s policies on electric vehicles and wind energy, and other initiatives opposed by the fossil fuel industry.
When Min Matheson became head of the garment workers union in northeast Pennsylvania, 6 apparel factories there were unionized. When she left, 168 factories with 11,000 workers were unionized She was a fascinating, fearless union leader who often faced down mobsters
Overlooked No More: Min Matheson, Labor Leader Who Faced Down As director of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, she fought for better working wages and conditions while wresting control from the mob.
What Happened When Skating Coaches Wanted a Union A group of figure skating coaches at Chelsea Piers in Manhattan, many of whom earn under $40,000 a year, sought to form a union. Two were fired. Coaches say the firings aimed to squash the union & scare other workers
What Happened When the Skating Coaches Wanted a A group of figure skating coaches at Chelsea Piers in Manhattan, many of whom earn less than $40,000 a year, sought to bargain their contracts collectively. Two were fired.
In a pro-union ruling, federal judge slaps Trader Joe's for over $100,000 in attorneys fees in ruling that the company essentially harassed the Trader Joe's union by bringing an "exceptionally weak" case asserting that the union's TJ union mugs diluted TJ's brand
A Great Week for American Workers In just one week, all this happened 1) The UAW won a historic victory at VW 2) Baristas finally resumed negotiations with Starbucks 3) The Labor Dept extended overtime to 4 million more workers 4) The FTC banned non-compete clauses
Guess What -- Judging from yesterday's oral arguments, the pro-business, anti-union Supreme Court is likely to rule for Starbucks and against the union in a case involving seven pro-union baristas in Memphis who were fired by Starbucks
Today alone, the Biden Administration TOOK MORE PRO-WORKER ACTIONS -- expanding overtime to 4 million more workers & banning noncompetes that prevent workers from moving to better-paying jobs --than Donald Trump took in all four years as president
After the big win at VW, Shawn Fain says, “The workers at VW are the first domino to fall. They have shown it is possible. I expect more of the same. Workers are fed up Fain says "a big majority" will vote in favor of the UAW at a Mercedes plant in Alabama in May
This is one of the greediest & dumbest things I’ve ever seen > Even though Tesla is laying off 10,000 & its sales are falling (partly because of Elon's crazy far-right beliefs), Tesla's board wants to pay Musk $47 billion extra—biggest pay package in corporate history
Labor Is Having A Big Moment -- VW workers in Tennessee are voting right now on whether to unionize. Mercedes workers in Alabama will vote next month. Disney workers who perform as theme park characters are pushing for a union. So are pharmacists at CVS.
Today could be a historic day for labor, with VW workers in Tennessee expected to vote in favor of unionizing, making it the first foreign-owned auto plant in the South to unionize “This would be the biggest breakthrough in private-sector organizing in decades"
Robert Kuttner > “Trump claims to be the friend of working people. But on China, his bluster was not matched by industrial policies to help Americans. Not since FDR have industrial workers & unions had a better friend than Joe Biden. That reality needs to shine through"
Today is an important day for labor—4,300 workers at VW in Chattanooga begin voting on whether to unionize with the @UAW Lisa Elliott—a VW worker—is confident of victory: “We’re going to win. We have the momentum. THIS WILL BE A HISTORIC EVENT" My story:
Ron DeSantis shows how hugely anti-worker he is by signing law that bars Florida cities & counties from enacting heat exposure laws to protect workers, setting minimum wages, establishing employee scheduling regulations or choosing contractors based on wage levels
UAW President Shawn Fain says, “Workers realize they’ve been getting screwed for decades & they’re fed up." Fain voiced confidence the UAW will unionize VW & Mercedes, but said Tesla will be harder. “Musk is the epitome of everything that’s wrong with this world"
In an impressive victory for labor, library workers at Smith College vote UNANIMOUSLY -- 33 to 0 -- in favor of unionizing with the Office & Professional Employees International Union (not counting some challenged ballots.)
NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo: “Unfortunately, it seems to me that SpaceX & Starbucks would rather spend their money initiating court litigation rather than improving their workers’ lives. They're seeking to divert attention from their lawbreaking"
April 5, 2024 The Union Wave Continues >> University of Vermont graduate student workers vote OVERWHELMINGLY — 373 to 9 — to unionize with the Graduate Student Union-UAW The top priorities include better pay and health care benefits, which currently don't cover vision or dental
In a victory for labor, DreamWorks Animation production workers vote 94 to 41 in favor of unionizing
BREAKING >> In a big victory for organized labor, non-tenured faculty and other academic employees at Harvard University vote overwhelmingly -- 1,094 to 81 -- to join the Harvard Academic Workers-United Auto Workers, forming a union of more than 3,000 Harvard workers.
Breaking -- More Union Gains >> Workers at two Movement climbing gyms in Chicago have voted overwhelmingly to unionize. At the Movement gym in Lincoln Park, workers voted 22 to 1 in favor of joining Workers United. At Movement's gym in Wrigleyville, the vote was 12 to 1 in favor
How Republicans Screw Workers >> Biden's and Obama's efforts to enforce labor laws have been systematically undermined by GOP lawmakers & right-wing judges. This should be a prime election theme for Biden and the Democrats. @TheProspect
Despite a big jump in child labor violations, many red states are pushing to weaken child labor laws Indiana has repealed all work-hour restrictions for 16-year-olds. Before, they couldn’t work past 10 pm Florida lets home-schooled kids work overnight shifts
A big reason that 1,133 workers died in the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh was that manufacturers ignored what workers had to say about safety A new Labor Department report highlights the importance of having STRONG WORKER VOICE to improve safety & stop abuses
BREAKING: In a victory for workers, Wisconsin's Supreme Court lets stand a ruling that found that Amazon's drivers are employees and thus qualify for unemployment benefits when they are laid off.
STRIKES WORK >> More than 10,000 workers at 34 hotels in Southern California win VERY IMPRESSIVE raises of $10 an hour over four years. That amounts to pay increases of 40% to 50%. Hotel room attendants will see their pay increase to $35 an hour in 2027.
Starbucks has been the worst union-buster in decades, but it has signaled it wants to turn the page & make peace with its union If Starbucks agrees to a first contract soon, that could be a boon for recently unionized workers at REI, Trader Joe's & elsewhere
Nicole Berner, a former general counsel to the Service Employees International Union, is confirmed to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit