
I'm not nearly as well-traveled 😆 Furthest I've ever been relative to where I live in North Carolina – N: Reykjavik Int'l Airport, Iceland E: London, UK S: Willemstad, Curaçao W: San Francisco, CA, USA
Using the date line as the E/W measure (for me, same result as using longitude from Greenwich): N: offshore from Siglufjörður, Iceland E: Sydney S: Cape Town W: Oahu
Pffft until you've been to R'lyeh to party, you've never traveled.
N: Oslo E: Sydney S: Cape Town W: Honolulu (stop over)
Sydney is on the bucket list, I'd love to go there – but still a bit skittish re being on a plane for 19hrs
I went there for a Scout Jamboree… back when planes couldn’t cross the pacific… hence the fuel-only stopover in Honolulu… never made it out of the airport… but it counts, right? 🤔
Now I’m curious: N is the Orkneys - sailed by North Ronaldsay but set foot in Kirkwall. S Panama City W Kauai HI E Tokyo Naruta