
D&D saves lives
They're gonna need someone to wake up the 1922 committee and get them to change all the rules first. And this, kids, is why you ask experienced TTRPG system designers like me to draw up your political game system rules...
Should work on a “D&D makes you a better attorney” CLE after the “posting on social media makes you a better attorney” CLE, not that I’ve started on the latter because neither helps fix the procrastination problem
Hilariously one of the top likely candidates to replace Sunak is a Warhammer guy
Especially if it keeps Tories out of office - or just too busy with infighting to harm anyone else.
I honestly feel like the little governments we were setting up in CyberNations had better thought out charters/constitutions/rights of redress/etc than most actual modern political bodies.
Very much reminding me of McCarthy agreeing to "Any one congressperson can call for a vote on the Speaker." What could go wrong?