
Is this a sign of the apocalypse or a sneaky way to divert and neutralize incel rage?
Anything that even offers the possibility of neutralizing incel rage is worth trying.
She is the prequel to Dune covering the beginning of the Butlerian Jihad. Joaquin is the first to proclaim thou shalt not make a machine in the image of the human mind.
Tech bros putting even hard working hostesses and strippers out of work. I’m not making a snide joke here. But if an incel can release anger then it’s a good thing. It would be better to talk to a woman though. A living one with feelings who can tell him how to talk to other women.
Alternate headline "Incels press button for love bomb nonstop dopamine hits."
This can be viewed as a method for eradicating a pest population by providing it with super-stimulating sterile mates designed to be preferentially selected over fertile ones. I'd be all for providing free sex robots with every membership to anything alt-right related.