
Seeing lots of centre-left people enjoying the return of Farage as another way of sinking the Tories. They are very mistaken. The man is poison, and the death of the Conservative Party is nothing to wish for given that he plans to reanimate it in his image.
Let's imagine that he succeeds in taking over the party (gets into Parliament, becomes the figurehead of a 'rapprochement' with the dazed Tories, aided by hard right types like Braverman. Some moderate Tories split/defect, but most stay on. Farage, with the backing of right-wing press and media,...
...stages an internal coup against whoever the party leader is - a weak moderate or a deluded hardliner who thought Farage could be useful to them - and takes over). Suddenly we have an Opposition leader who looks to Trump, Orban and even Putin as political models. A Labour government struggles...
Avatar put out all the fires and get the country back on its feet. Meanwhile climate change and conflict send ever more desperate people to Europe, turbocharging the xenophobia that is the main fuel of the far right. Farage offers simple solutions. Do you think it's impossible that he'd win a GE?
Farage has something like this scenario in his head. So should we, if we want to keep our country away from the abyss.
'But most people don't like him, what can he really achieve?' We only had Brexit because of Farage. It was his UKIP party that spooked Cameron into offering a referendum. *Without being an MP* Farage became the most consequential UK politician since Blair. Now picture him in the House of Commons.
(Of all useless political interventions: posting a thread on Bluesky.)
I think the scenario most ppl enjoying his return are envisaging is that he, and Reform, don't win any seats, but do fracture the right sinking the Conservative into an even bigger wipeout than they would had without his intervention. Whether that is what will actually happen remains to be seen...
I know, I know … but I’m still going to laugh when Sunak loses his seat