
Twelve (12) articles about Biden's age on the NYT home page. Scroll down for a good while and at the bottom of the right column you can find just two (2) articles about the Supreme Court's immunity decision, neither of which state in the headline that the president is now a king.
Hard to come up with as anodyne a headline as "In Immunity Decision, Clashing Views of the Nature of Politics." Just some clashing views, here! Who can say which is right? Both sides, at it again, what can you do! Shameful, irresponsible, contemptible, reckless, heedless, etc. etc. etc.
"Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power." Oh, well, just part of a long rise. Guess that's the way it goes! Ho hum. Unconscionable.
That article was the last straw for my wife, a former journalist. She cancelled her sub. I had cancelled over a year ago, but she wasn't ready to let it go then. I've subscribed to at least 1 newspaper since I was 22. Now, none.
NYT is bullsh*t and I hope more folks see that and unsubscribe from them. This is abhorrent. As a former journalist I am heartbroken and infuriated.
Is it weird that Thomas took a couple of days away and not too long after Alito did and not long after that they release this farce of a decision? There absolutely needs to be another kind of investigation of these people.