
It's Independence Day, commemorating the day this country kicked a king to the curb. Eternal shame on the six justices on the Supreme Court who betrayed our founding principles by turning the presidency into a new monarchy.
Nae king nae quin nae laird nae master! Seriously. No.
Heard likely a paid post on NPR where they tried to give good media coverage to that mess the scotus passed this year in mess. I was floored. They actually said the immunity ruling was prevent tit for tat prosecutions and that overturning Chevron was good.
The plot of Julius Cæsar comes to mind..
I'm starting to wonder if we wouldn't be better off if we'd lost the revolution. Slavery would have ended without a civil war. Besides, the root of most of America's problems is our inability to admit something isn't working. But yes - fuck the Supreme Court.
I keep wanting to believe that good will triumph over evil, that good people will stand up for what’s right. Once again my hopes were dashed. Every day its harder to optimistic.