Greg Palast

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Greg Palast

Investigative journalist and author of the NY Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

My new documentary, Vigilante, exposes the most brazen, racist attack on voting rights yet.

Catch my reports at:
The voter intimidation is getting ugly. In Arizona, they’ve got guys with automatic weapons standing next to the dropboxes because it’s an open carry state. Would you take your family to drop off their votes if some guy with a gun was standing there? 🔊
Reposted byAvatar Greg Palast
Greg Palast knows what’s up: in addition to turning out the vote, we need to be hyperaware of these “challengers.” Trump has already made it abundantly clear that unless he wins, he won’t accept the outcome.
We’ve gone from 88 vigilantes in 1 state in 2022 to 44,000 vote challengers in dozens of states. If no one challenges the challengers, Biden's toast. This is the true danger to democracy in 2024. Our job is to make sure that the voters, not vigilantes, pick our President. 🔊
When JD Vance was asked in his first job interview, why do you want this job, he said, “the money”. That's speculator JD in a nutshell. While he previously said that Trump could become “America's Hitler,” he's now glad's to be Vice-Hitler. A feckless con-man.
We’ve gone from 88 vigilantes in 1 state in 2022 to 44,000 vote challengers in dozens of states. If no one challenges the challengers, Biden's toast. This is the true danger to democracy in 2024. Our job is to make sure that the voters, not vigilantes, pick our President. 🔊
Reposted byAvatar Greg Palast
It cannot be emphasized enough that you should be checking your voting status early and often with whatever dept in your state is in charge of voter registration. Because these wakkos are everywhere now.
Finally, the lame stream media has discovered that vigilante vote challenges are the big new threat. What they've missed is that it's spread from Georgia to a dozen other states.
In Georgia, conservatives seek to have voters removed from rolls without official Conservative activists in Georgia and other states are using a new software tool as part of a broader effort to scrub voters from the rolls.
Let's stop counting Biden's brain cells, and start counting vigilantes. In 2022, when True the Vote first launched their vigilante vote challenge scheme, they had 88 vigilantes in Georgia. Now they have an army of 44,000 operating in battleground states across the US.
This Election is Going to be a Vote Suppression Bacchanalia | Greg Let's stop counting Biden's brain cells, and start counting vigilantes. This election is going to be a Vote Suppression Bacchanalia — I’ve never seen anything like it. Mark Elias, who's considered the...
This was ONLY paragraph of the Declaration of Independence removed by the Continental Congress: “Slavery is a war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty by captivating and carrying Africans into slavery and miserable death.” #July4th #IndependenceDay
July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence — One Paragraph was On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence with only one paragraph removed: Thomas Jefferson’s attack on slavery. "[Kin...
GOP operatives are mass challenging literally hundreds of thousands of voters, and True The Vote has put out the call to get 100,000 volunteers to submit these challenges. They’re probably the most effective vote suppression organization since the KKK.
🔨 El Martillo – The Hammer strikes again! Greg Palast (aka El Martillo) & Matt Sedillo (aka “the greatest living political poet”) join forces for an evening of political poetry in San Francisco Weds, June 26 at 7pm SunnyCo Studio Gallery, 480 Francisco St, SF, CA 94133 Entry: No charge!
The Election Crimes Bulletin is back! In this week's episode we reveal how the Trump plan for 2024—to use an army of vigilantes to challenge Black voters—is the exact same plan the Klan successfully used to elect Georgia governor Eugene Talmadge in 1946. 🔊
Reposted byAvatar Greg Palast
Publisher of 2000 Mules, Salem Media, withdraws film and book from its platforms, and apologizes to man falsely accused of being a mule. ▶️ Support Vigilantes Inc — our answer to Trump’s 2000 Mules big lie! #2000Mules #VigilantesInc #Election2024
While it's tempting to pour Cointreau down our throats to celebrate the conviction of Agent Orange, let's not forget the jury found him guilty of crimes which we were all aware of before the 2016 election. Yet he won thru vote suppression tactics which may make his next election all but inevitable.
How Brian Kemp always ended up with a golden shovel, as explained by former Congressman John Barrow, who's facing off against the Kemp appointed justice Andrew Pinson in the Georgia State Supreme Court judgeship race.
John Barrow busts Brian Kemp’s self-made man How Brian Kemp always ended up with a golden shovel as explained by former Congressman John Barrow.From Vigilantes Inc. — OUT FALL 2024!Support our new film,...
When Kyle Rittenhouse came to Kent State: A report by PIF fellow about how the young acquitted murderer is being paraded around campuses to stir up controversy to promote Turning Points USA, an organization that promotes the far right agenda to students across the US.
When Kyle Rittenhouse Came to Kent Rittenhouse spoke at an event sponsored by the right wing organization Turning Points USA held at Kent State University in Ohio.
If the US produces more oil than any country—ever—why are we still importing foreign oil? (Including 200,000 - 300,000 barrels a day from Russia!!!)  ▶️ Catch the full 3 hour #ThomHartmann Program with Palast at: #Ukraine | #Russia | #Oil
Surreal News: Don’t Buy Exxon’s Fable Of The Drunken Captain 🔊 Listen to the full episode at: #Exxon #BigOil #Environment #Pollution #Podcast
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In a recent article, the New York Times reports on what they say is an “all but unnoticed effort” by Trump’s allies to challenge voters in critical battleground states. But it's only “unnoticed” because they've previously refused to cover it.
In a recent article, the New York Times reports on what they say is an “all but unnoticed effort” by Trump’s allies to challenge voters in critical battleground states. But it's only “unnoticed” because they've previously refused to cover it.