
The special counsel found that Biden extensively cooperated with investigators, in sharp contrast to evidence that Trump resisted and misled them for months. That's a good topic for "news analysis" pieces. Instead, it's But Her Emails redux. New piece from me:
Nightmare Special Counsel Report Is the Media’s New Hillary There are many ways the press could have played the Hur report in its news analyses. The path they chose suggests we’re stuck in 2016 again.
I'm calling BS on the sort of news analysis that passively says the report has shined a "spotlight" on Biden's age. The "spotlight" reflects editorial choices. The GOP use of something as "ammunition" for an attack shouldn't dictate those choices:
The GOP talking point that Biden isn't being prosecuted *because of* his dementia or whatever is staggeringly dishonest. The report explicitly says investigators *couldn't find sufficient evidence* to persuade a jury:
Given that voters are deciding which man to entrust with the presidency, the report's stark contrast between Biden/Trump handling of the powers of that office seems more relevant. Maybe that should have been the topic of "news analysis" pieces?
Sally Yates would have brought the political finesse and experience needed for the AG role in a Biden Administration. Garland's struggle with DC politics and the press core has been evident. While he excels in justice, his conservative approach hinders his effectiveness.