
Just amazing: MAGA is now saying Hunter Biden's guilty verdict is part of the conspiracy against Trump. This shows that nothing is more devastating to the MAGA worldview than the idea that the justice system is actually functioning fairly. 1/ New piece from me:
MAGA’s Shocking New Lie About Hunter Biden Verdict Is Deeply Even the presidential son’s conviction is proof of a vast conspiracy against Donald Trump. It’s all about laying a pretext for Trump to go after Biden and Democrats.
Stephen Miller, Charlie Kirk and other MAGA personalities served up a convoluted theory in which DOJ successfully prosecuted Hunter Biden to make the Deep State *appear* balanced. It's almost as if MAGA was secretly hoping Hunter would get acquitted. 2/
MAGA's theory is so dumb: *David Weiss (who successfully prosecuted Hunter) was originally Trump appointee *Up until yesterday, MAGA was screaming that Biden family was rigging trial in Hunter's favor *House Rs themselves failed to find evidence of POTUS crimes 3/
MAGA’s Shocking New Lie About Hunter Biden Verdict Is Deeply Even the presidential son’s conviction is proof of a vast conspiracy against Donald Trump. It’s all about laying a pretext for Trump to go after Biden and Democrats.
For MAGA, the problem can't be that Joe Biden didn't commit any crimes. It can only be that DOJ is too corrupt to prosecute him. But now that Hunter *was* prosecuted for committing crimes, that *also* has been repurposed as a tale of DOJ corruption. 4/
MAGA needs to sustain the Big Lie of a justice system rigged against Trump as a pretext for him to launch prosecutions of Biden/Dems under the guise of "payback." That's why nothing is more lethal to MAGA than the justice system functioning fairly. 5/
If all this doesn't persuade you that the Trump/MAGA claim that he must seek "revenge" is itself propaganda—a pretext for prosecutions of Dems that they intend anyway—I don't know what will. Please stop uncritically echoing the "revenge" language. 6/6
It isn’t revenge. It’s part of calculation of consequences that’s been in the making for decades. IQ45 is a puppet that’s easy to control- give him the illusion of power & you can control an entire country right down to SCOTUS & its collateral veins. Billionaires, oligarchs hold the strings.
Agreed, 100%. And yet with Trump, at base... "Most people stayed with me in the bad times, but I had some people who were disloyal. And those people I'm going to destroy. Just for the sake of destroying them. If I ever have the opportunity." (Donald Trump, 1993)
of course the justice system is rigged. if it weren't, trump would rot in jail for decades now.
*functioning fairly despite all their machinations to have it do otherwise. That's not to say that their meddling *hasn't* returned dividends for them, (cough, cough SCOTUS, Aileen Canon) but they won't be happy until *every* judge is a MAGA automoton.
As they've shown, it doesn't matter that Hunter was found guilty. They'll just make shit up and carry on.