
Last night I refused to bus a table because they literally take a portion of each servers tips to pay someone else a tip out on top of their $10 an hour to bus tables. Like you pay me 3 an hour and then steal some of my tips that come from the people eating here to pay someone else since you won’t
Pay them to do a job that you then ask me to do when they aren’t doing it well enough? On top of not giving us sick leave so last fall my finances fell apart when I caught Covid and it took me months to catch back up. No pro and frequent refusals to approve time off “requests” late
To get us our schedule frequently. And every month they’re adding new “cleaning tasks” to our responsibilities with no extra pay that isn’t legally mandated by the state. Not to mention the constant “you have to take this quiz on our whiskey selection” type of shit
Just so many expectations for 3 fucking dollars an hour. The disrespect and total lack of dignity became too much so I just told them no I’m not doing that job you take money from me to pay someone else to do. It was the final straw.
I was originally going back in today to tell them that despite how I feel about all of this I’ll just do it moving forward because I like working with everyone here enough to do so, but I let him speak first because I was curious how he was going to address things
And despite me being one of the best servers and having only ever had one previous issue with missing a shift due to a laundry malfunction, he jumped straight to firing me after I worked there for over 2 years.
Nooooo 🥺🥺🥺 hopefully you can bounce back fast. Don't forget to apply for unemployment
Literally just got back home and it’s the first thing I’m doing. I’m just glad to be free of that place