Greyson "Stop Genocide 🇵🇸 AND Protect Trans Lives 🏳️‍⚧️" Kent

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Greyson "Stop Genocide 🇵🇸 AND Protect Trans Lives 🏳️‍⚧️" Kent

I'm eclectic! Cat lover. Dog lover. Porn lover (I will be nude here; you've been warned). Photographer, cook, geek. RPGs', RTS', Legos, Transformers. Cars, trucks, bikes, planes. Bourbon on the rocks. Kinkster. Cheers!
this is your word of the day
My fellow #TransformersEnthusiasts (I need t'come up with sumthin slicker'n that), we have a major victory t'celebrate: My fiancé, who has NO LOVE fer #Transformers & only tolerates them in the house cuz he knows how much I love them, just called me "Optimistic Prime". I am giddy. #OptimisticPrime
One more for the #SundayPixWall theme. A carpet of moss covers a drystone wall at Hardcastle Crags, West Yorkshire.
The US added 1.2Million EVs to the grid last year & electricity use dropped due to inc. efficiency. Grid stability will increase further when V2grid charging is deployed at scale. 🧪🔌💡
The US Added 1.2 Million EVs To The Grid Last Year, & Electricity Use Went Down - With over 1 million new EVs plugging into garage outlets, home charging stations, and Superchargers, you’d think our electricity usage would have shot up dramatically. You’d be wrong.
not sure what the question is but I’m pretty sure the answer is listen to Annie Lennox songs loudly and stop participating in relationships where you’re doing all the emotional labor
I have rewritten the #PledgeOfAllegiance. **PLEASE NOTE** The flags that I've chosen are a NON-EXHAUSTIVE collection; I'm sure there are pleeeenty more that belong here. I simply chose six for oppressed, marginalized communities that I'm aware of. #Memeification #IMadeDis
Got the plague again. Had t'take a test again. Came up not #Covid again. This was...Thursday...? And I still feel like ass. Blech. But at least it's not Covid; my body just isn't adjusting well t'the changes in weather, nor my bein regularly outta the house again. It's fine. I'll get there.
Breakfast the other day. No more #Eggos. Homemade, from scratch, not even a mix. My fiancé is a wonder. I love him. Also, I need t'learn how t'do this m'self! 🥰🥰🥰 #FoodPorn #HomeCookin #GitInMahBelleh #Nomnomnom #FoodOverAbs #HealthierChoices <--- it is so cuz it's homemade!
fav film that never had a sequel?
Our dear #ColbyPoochie was sleeping peacefully on the couch with the new toys we bought him t'day, but some asshole decided t'set off more fireworks, so now he's cowering beHIND the couch. I hope those assholes blow themselves up. #NoMoreFireworks
#OnceMoreForTheFolksInTheBack #ProtectTransLives #NoLGBWithoutTheT #TLGBQIA
Gentle reminder that absolutely none of that “LGB w/o the T” fuckery will be tolerated here. Transfolk and queers who couldn’t pass for straight are the reason you have the rights you have. This is not up for debate.
Gentle reminder that absolutely none of that “LGB w/o the T” fuckery will be tolerated here. Transfolk and queers who couldn’t pass for straight are the reason you have the rights you have. This is not up for debate.
I was s'posed t'go with my fiancé to a #BirthdayParty for a #DearFriend out in #TheBurbs tonight, but my body had other plans, so I sent my fiancé off t'enjoy himself, while I am happily ensconced on the couch with #ColbyPoochie. #ThisIsTheWay #ListenToYourBody #SelfCare
Watching #EvilDead (2013), & wondering precisely how stupid someone has t'be t' a) stay in a remote cabin after finding blood all over the floor, & then untold horrors in the basement, & then b) take a #necronomicon from said basement, & then c) open it and read it. They deserve what they got.
So now that Independence Day is behind us, can we start discussing making this the year we all call out sick on Labor Day?
Wholesome bs slut Let’s see yours!
Wholesome vs slut Let’s see yours!
I'm heading out for a while, here's some squares