
Oh wow. Its officially been 20 years since I've been to AC. That's fukkin NUTS.
Got delayed out of the con because of a storm and got stuck in Houston on the way back for like 6 hours. Early 2000's Texas airports were weird. The Bush Jr. Propaganda on all the monitors was very creepy.
I think that might have been the one time I went too. It happened to fall on my birthday one year so I hauled my tail out to it.
Yeah I recall see you and...Rax(?) there. Is Rac still alive? Did something eat him?
I don't know, actually. I lost track of a lot of people when they either stopped going online (as I have mostly for furry stuff) and/or going to the cons that I go to which is very few.
I just haven't thought about him in AGES.
Yeah. I saw a friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years earlier this week and I kept having 'oh, what happened to them' moments. Especially for bay area furs that moved and I didn't know. They're all moving closer to you apparently ;-)
Goin on 15 for me. And I used to /live/ in Pittsburgh. My office was literally next door to the Convention Center. For me it was like "Okay, I've been here done the thing, I'm an official furry now, bye."
I just had a MISERABLE time and just never wanted to go back.
Yeah, it just wasn't for me. Heck the only reason I go to MFF is just to hang out with far flung friends. I couldn't care less about the con itself really.
I would LOVE to go again but flying is WAY too expensive.
It was no where near fun enough for me to justify the expense, yeah.
I mean honestly a lot of the fun was just being able to Fanboy over artists whose work I enjoyed over the years but besides that the biggest part of my enjoyment was just being able to travel, if I were to spend that much money again I would just go and see the city itself
Almost that long myself. Last time I went was 2006, 1st year in P'Burgh.. aka the year that the city Was. Not. Ready (stories of restaurants just dead-ass running out of food among others) and it warmed the cockles of my sappy-ass heart to hear that just a year later, they were better prepared. 😎