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An American in Canada. Cold. Cranky.
So, I found my favorite paprika brand. I bought it saying, "How hot can that be?" I usually get sweet. Did I mention I can't have anything spicy? Because I can't. Anyway. I just made a pot of firebreathing cream of cauliflower soup. Yes, I'm having a bagel and cream cheese for dinner.
An interesting snag in the new rules pertaining to pets crossing the border into the US. "But the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency, which would be the government agency to approve the CDC form, has said it's unable to offer the signoff."
Disagreement over new U.S. border rules for dogs could halt canine travel | CBC Unless an agreement can be reached, Canadians travelling with dogs may not be able to cross the American border come August.
This is what happens when you ease legislation to allow builders to cut corners. They don't provide the appropriate infrastructure, and BAM! a waterfront home every time it rains.
I can't tell of this sky is going to let me take a walk or not. And where are my sungloves?
This lazy dog has tucked his antler between the couch cushions so he doesn't have to hold it while chewing.
Avatar I just sent our friend (the cottage owner) a Pic of you (from here.) I keep referring to you as "Dartmouth Dan", because you rereminded me a bit of Dan (her partner.)
I know Silk tried to kill us all recently, but this is quite honestly the most perfect vegan yogurt.
I like watching the news. In Canada. But my god, they're talking too much about the bloated orange fascist in my home country.
I made BBQ lentil stuffed baked potatoes, and honestly, it checked off every single craving.
I think the dog may hate Ontario more than I do. He is both visibly and audibly depressed.
My Nova Scotia weight gain tally is in. *drumroll* 6 lbs. I gained 6 lbs in 2 months.
Omg, we didn't stop fire coffee creamer. I can't have coffee! *cries*
Yall promised me heat and humidity. It's only 26 with 72% humidity. I've been scammed.
This was a mistake. We need to Wagon's East this car right now.
I'm not a preachy vegetarian. I get that we all walk different paths in life, but man, when I'm next to a tractor trailer of sick looking pigs heading to slaughter, I feel guilty for not being so.
Saw a cybertruck out in the wild. We're officially bag in the land of douchebags.
Just under an hour left in this car. My ass is so excited!
Avatar I finished reading the Lisa Jewell book, and while it isn't a book I'd recommend, it's also not a book I'd dissuade others from reading. It's a book that passes the time, but not something that sits with you, begging for your return. You don't crave more.
When you both have to poop, but there's a dog in the car, so you wait behind for your spouse.
Hello Ontario. I did not miss you.
My hands have informed me that we're too far away from the sea air humidity. They stopped working as hands should.
🎵On the road again🎵 Next stop, home. Well, next stop is for gas, then 2 more times after that. But then, home. ETA 3 pm EST.
He is such a good hotel dog. He stays on his green blanket, and chews his antler.
You tried, Pennsylvania.
One of the best things about Nova Scotia, besides the scenery and people, is the lack of chaotic, angry traffic. -She posts from Quebec City
I just successfully spoke French to someone in Quebec. I mean, I only asked her if she was in line, told her she had a worm on her dress, and thanked her when she told me there was no toilet paper and she gave me some tissues, but it was communicating, dammit!
Two provinces down, one more to go.