
The early vibe of threads wasn't good. Then, for about three months, it was good not great. Now it feels like x-lite and I'm not a fan.
We need to put all the people who come online just to argue on one platform and they have to earn their way out to other platforms by attaining normal points.
A third party certification system would be way easier to implement than some Premiere League of being normal while posting online you stupid jerk! Can't believe anyone could be so wrong about something so obvious!!1!
LOL. This is exactly it. We choose to live like this.
If you want to go halfsies on the Certified Normal Online program, I'm sure we could at least get a private equity fund to buy it, they love cert programs
VC: No. EWN: uh... it uses AI, Full Serene Discourse VC: 80 million at a 3 billion valuation