
The media has been out for Biden’s head ever since he bravely withdrew from Afghanistan. See: making great job reports seem negative. I’m almost coming around to rolling with Kamala just because otherwise there will be no Trump reporting. Only Joe’s age. Though they’ll likely do the same to her.
I hate that the media is going to do everything they can to get Trump back in power and Biden dropping is just going to see them smoothly moving on to ratfucking Harris.
They will absolutely do the sqme, and worse, to her. Remember Clintons emails.
They’ll do far worse to her, and even more enthusiastically.
This is why all of this palaver is nonsense. He’s our candidate. Anything else is political suicide. What needs to be happening is savvy pushback against this toxic media campaign, and the lack of *that* is a problem.
If she was suddenly the nominee it would be nonstop reports about is she ready? the polls say people don't like her and blah blah blah The "liberal" media will suddenly LOOOOOVE Joe Biden the second they are able to force him to leave the ticket