
Biden: "How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for having sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant? You have the morals of an alley cat." I think Biden went too far here. Alley cats don’t deserve such abuse.
Vote for Joe, not the Psycho!
That’s something for a dog dad to say.
Biden looked horrible no sugar coating that. So bad that a convicted felon, a rapist, a traitor may take this election as the nation worries Biden is about to fall dead. Gov Newsome, Gov Whitmer, Rep Jeffries step up. President Biden please step aside.
None that you mention have a chance against Trump. It’s far too late to get themselves known to the country. Unless people are really into politics chances are they are clueless who the Governors of CA and MI are.
Last November Fox News polled voters pitting Whitmer and Newsome against Trump and both were within 2-4 points of Trump back then. I disagree it’s too late. Both are too smart, too articulate, & youthful NOT to draw votes away from a pathological liar and convicted felon.
He was sick, it was one (important) night. Switching horses now has a horrible success record. Many incumbents have a bad 1st debate & went on to win. Let’s take a breath & move on.
Sorry, I missed the sarcasm. I was in a state.