
Nerds of bluesky I am begging you to tell me why my desktop PC has the worst WIFI connection known to man when everything else in my house has super fast WIFI. I can't plug it into ethernet because my house is 1000 years old and (for now) there is no port in the office. I AM AT MY WITS END
We JUST replaced the WiFi adapter and upgraded to 32 gb of ram, I don’t know shit about computers but my partner does and he’s out of ideas! Anyone have anything!? Aaaaaah
Get a really long Ethernet cable and string it along the ceiling until it reaches your office. It sucks but I think that’s the best you can hope for
Oh we also have a WiFi repeater and are going to attempt plugging an Ethernet cable into that but I don’t believe it will fucking help! God is dead. I’m not overreacting you are
Have fine reception in your phone and whatnot when it’s back behind your pc tower, in the same spot as the antennae? Is your pc’s Wi-Fi adapter a card or a usb dongle? Networking issues are hell 😵‍💫
You might be on to something here. Here’s phone in the middle of the room speed vs. behind the pc tower speed vs. my PC’s abysmal current connection speed (photographed because I def can’t upload a screenshot loool) We have a card adapter, an Intel 6E AX210
to move your tower to? Or even, if you have frontfacing usb ports and you get a good signal near them on your phone, you could go the usb WiFi adapter route too. The primary downside there being using up a usb port and a bunch of your usb hub’s bandwidth. But if it’s easier than running Ethernet… 🤷‍♂️😬
Woah, ok, damn! That seems likely to be the culprit 😨 if it’s up against a wall or especially in the corner, it could be a dead spot due to signal reflection or even interference from power in the wall? I’d try repeating the phone test in various locations around your desk that you might be able […]
also possibly, the wifi driver on your laptop might be out of date, try to find it and reinstal it ?
everytime a friend connects to your wifi with their device they are added to the list and there is priority order thing and your laptop might have been bumped to the bottom, if you change your wifi password it will remove all the previous devices and maybe it will improve your prio to bandwith
I had to guess it may be signal interface? Most routers have 2.4 and 5GHz bands and Bluetooth uses 2.4GHz so clustering devices can cause drop out, in my experience. I did the song and dance of disconnecting and reconnecting until it worked. I feel ya network issues suck! Hope you find a solution.
what kind of antenna situation do you have on your pc
There are two Fenvi antennae stuck on the back of the PC tower doing absolutely nothing afaik
this is the only thing i could thing of, alas (mostly because i forgot to install mine on my pc and had similar wi-fi issues :v)