Håkon Nordhagen

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Håkon Nordhagen


Physics, climate change, system change, agrowth. Lover of nature and spend as much time in it as possible. Doing applied research for a living. Knows a lot about materials, and wish I knew more about the rest.
How do you cope with the visuals that come out of Ukraine and, particularly Gaza? I’m not sure I can any longer. Staying sane in this world, gets harder every day.
Most people seem to have no idea or conception of the far beyond atrocities happening, right now, in Gaza and Ukraine (and possibly Sudan). That is, unless you’ve seen the videos and photos, media does not seem to have the vocabulary to reflect it. Or is it people don’t bother to watch or read?
As long as the economy is driven mainly by profit maximization,it will respond to the demand expressed by the richest groups of society,leading to extractive forms of production that worsen social exclusion in the name of creating more wealth,and it will fail to fulfil the rights of those in poverty
The UK fossil industry is worried about its profits when Labour takes over. It «would not create the investment conditions the UK needs to deliver the homegrown energy transition needed to kick-start economic growth» www.offshore-technology.com/newsletters/...
Offshore Technologywww.offshore-technology.com
A tech company with unstoppably rising emissions buying up "carbon removal" credits from Occidental Petroleum: company that has explicitly said it's using carbon removal to enable more fossil extraction How are people working in carbon removal celebrating this??? carbonherald.com/microsoft-50...
De siste 3 minuttene av sangen ‘Firth of Fifth’ av Genesis er noe av det fineste som er laget.
Warmest place in Norway, right now, at 70°N.
When you walk for a day in mountain, off all tracks, to visit and sleep in this small gem of an open resque cabin, only to find it has been occupied by another crowd. 😟
En stor furu langt til fjells, helt alene, er ganske særegent med dette nordvestlige hjørnet av Trollheimen (tror jeg).
Vi kan få en mer realistisk debatt om avrundingen av oljealderen dersom Stortinget vedtar varig vern av Barentshavet nord og områdene utenfor Lofoten, Vesterålen og Senja. Skriver Anders Bjartnes klokt. At høyresiden nå lefler med gjenåpning av LoVeSe er ille. www.energiogklima.no/meninger-og-...
Hvordan kan debatten om de siste kapitlene i «oljeeventyret» bli mer realistisk?www.energiogklima.no Den neste etappen i norsk oljepolitikk må handle om å utvikle strategier som gjør at avrundingen av oljealderen kan skje på best mulig vis. Derfor må mest mulig realisme inn i debatten.
«Tackling climate change requires reducing planet-warming emissions first. But the lack of sufficient action means the world will have to draw down CO2 in the atmosphere.» ‘but the lack of sufficient action’ …dont they see what’s going on here?? www.bloomberg.com/news/article...
Carbon Removal Industry Reckons With a New Problem — Too Many Startupswww.bloomberg.com There are more than 800 startups promising to draw carbon dioxide from the air to help the world meet its climate goals. But there may not be enough buyers willing to pay for that service.
Hydrogen made from fossil gas while capturing and storing the carbon, so-called Blue Hydrogen, is not what it seems or what its proponents (fossil fuel stakeholders) like you to believe. Check out this report by Lorenzo Sani. carbontracker.org/reports/kind...
Stille hos koko-høyre etter at amerikansk høyesterett har klarert rullebanen for takeoff av et totalt middelaldersk monarki - der borte i deres favorittland. Masse inspirasjon til neste års valgkampprogram tenker jeg.
«Trump won. He won completely. He tried to overthrow the government, and he got away with it. I cannot even imagine what he’ll try if he is actually given power again, knowing full well that he will never be held accountable for literal crimes.» www.thenation.com/article/soci...
The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officiallywww.thenation.com Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.
Notice the comments, or absence of such from the econmodernists, on the current lunacy taking place around the US Supreme Court these days. Hedging their position I guess.
Good grief. US Supereme Court now allows corruption, as long as the payment happens after the goverment official do what you like them to do. US currently being torn apart by a black hole of neolib and utter far right stupidity. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
The US supreme court just basically legalized bribery | Moira Doneganwww.theguardian.com By sheer coincidence, this ruling concerns the sort of generous ‘gifts’ and ‘gratuities’ that justices have been known to accept
It's vaguely fascinating to me how nuclear power and carbon removal both work to deter here-and-now mitigation in really, really similar ways, but the former gets recognised as such way more often and way more easily. These analyses are really useful ways to illustrate how hollow the fantasy is:
Nuclear option ‘not enough’ to avoid rush for more wind and solarwww.smh.com.au Research group Bloomberg New Energy Finance says seven reactors would reduce the need for renewables by just a small percentage.
I´ve never seen this color on the wind plot as hurricane Beryl brings. 60m/s+ - that is a lot of wind! This might end badly.
Nuclear bros: we know nuclear power is expensive, but gosh how safe, high tech and clean it is. Same guys on fossil fuels (esp if they live in a oil&gas state): we know it’s dirty and cause a lot of harm, but gosh how profitable and useful it is - too much so to let go of it.
So, are nuclear power proponents happy about the loss of the Chevron deference? I’m confused.
Juice media does it again, now on AI. This is really good, and spot on!
Pushing for nuclear power into this unstable world is like pushing a juggler to put on the coffee at the same time he juggles and rides his one-wheeler - while you, with little effort, can put on the coffee yourself.
This is as close to dark as it gets. Well, what they’re basically doing is stating the status quo - which is seemingly what «they» prefer. And which must be fought.
Whether global warming follows the pink/purple, or the green line, matters a lot. The difference in the increase in global temperature when most of my generation is dead, around 2070, is an additional ~1.5°C vs. ~0.8°C of warming. Precautionary principle, anyone? mailchi.mp/caa/the-worl...
«Political parties would need to overcome their fear of economic power: of the newspaper barons, the property developers, the fossil fuel companies, hedge funds, private equity bosses and assorted oligarchs who now fund and influence our politics.» www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
Things are not going to get better as long as oligarchs rule the roost in our democracies | George Monbiotwww.theguardian.com If we want the kind of fair, functioning state Britain saw post-1945, we need to take on the economic powers that wrecked it, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
«The honest broker» working hard to redefine the baseline for global warming. I’m sure the Neoproterozoic conditions 600-800 million years ago will suit his fossil-vested neolib clients well. www.climate.gov/news-feature...
The largest pension fund in Norway, not to be confused with the «oil fund», sells out in Caterpillar based on its activities in the ongoing genocide. The «oil fund» however make no plans to react to the same genocide. www.nbim.no/en/responsib... www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/...
The $1700+ billion norwegian sovereign wealth fund owns 3.7billion worth of shares in the main companies producing weapons used in the genocide in Gaza. In addition it owns 1-2% of the $36 billion worth of loans given to these companies, and 1-2% of the $23 billion banks&funds having shares in arms.
Observation and exclusion of companies | Norges Bank Investment Managementwww.nbim.no See all companies excluded from the fund or placed under observation. The decisions are based on recommendations from an independent Council on Ethics.
We need to talk about "green hydrogen". Why are the European ruling classes so interested in it? And what's wrong with it? 🧵