Hardcore Fenton Mudd

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Hardcore Fenton Mudd


Colin, he/him, Illustrator, designer, writer, fan of comics, star trek & punk rock, AUDHD, some trauma, equal rights and peace
Republicans still fundamentally incapable of telling the difference between lame and cool
Came back from a walk and power had returned, android holocaust was playing and suddenly, a feeling of calm washed over me
Lost air conditioning, ability to stream video, no more video games, I found it difficult initially to even subsist, then I remembered that I didn’t have any of that shit as a kid
No power, no internet, no way to check messages, I had to open the window and shout Seriously questioned my offline pornography availability
We lost power today, my life was reduced to that of a convict on fiorina 161, minus all that fancy hot lead
Reposting just in case @catfishpond.bsky.social is listening
New commission: a Muppet version of John Carpenter's THE THING featuring Kermit, Gonzo, Beaker, and a Yip-Yip! Mixed media on 9 X 12" watercolor paper. #MuppetMonday
I guess I should watch the last season of discovery just in case it reaffirms my faith in humanity and puts to rest the ghost of all past failed revolutions
Warning bell, is there a band called warning bell? That’s a damn good band name
Sure feel free to tear down corrupt institutions but be damn sure you’re all clear on what the actual issue is and what is going to replace it because most people believe comforting lies
I broadly condemn assassination plots but I am all for consequences of actions and reaping of what’s been sowed so there’s some tiny wiggle room
I didn’t even know she could play - and the mens final no less
I was devastated when, during a get together weekend, my high school friends all came out as allistic
The ramones tried to warn us about project 20 20 24 oh wait this joke doesn’t work
Ghanian poster for GHOST DOG: THE WAY OF THE SAMURAI (1999), written/directed by Jim Jarmusch and starring Forest Whitaker, BOTD in 1961
Despite having first seen it more than 35 years ago, doctor who’s pertwee-baker-Davidson area still p0wns my cronk
Had a hankering for old baker WHO, stupidly put on planet of death when I actually wanted to watch planet of evil or city of death
Also literally what else do you hope to achieve by denying mental health support, encouraging fear and making sure everyone is armed and has nothing to lose, a society of dead zoners minus the prescience
The assassination attempt is a problem for the republicans because their intended outcome was achieved but directed at the wrong party thus contradicting the narrative
I’m against piracy broadly but I have nothing against computer piracy or scooby do style piracy like ghost piracy or space ghost piracy
People who call for sympathy and solidarity for fascists when they fall fundamentally misunderstand fascism and my relationship with fascists
Dogget: (after having read every x-file) so agent scully this uhhh paranormal stuff or whatever you call it
So for real TVA chose to air the dead zone last night at midnight, that’s ballsy I’m unsure if I really clocked the significance/coincidence at the time
Me showing my GF the points in season 8 where mulder comes back but she’s on her phone
If I were stuck in the twilight zone I hope it would be that one with sexy Robert Redford who comes to kill me
If they plugged me into the matrix but it was the thirteenth floor I would totally go and live by the edge of the map, just chilling where the horizon de-rezzes being like yep yep yep that there’s data
If they plugged me into the matrix but the virtual world was dark city I would still be like “at least it’s a walkable town, and they put on a great rocky horror”
Julie: who is girl Joel? Me: (confused) …. Me: oh you mean who is girl joel, aaah. Her name is Emily.