
The first quarter of the year is off to an exceptionally warm start, as I discuss in a new Q1 State of the Climate Report over at @CarbonBrief: ⬆️ Warmest Jan, Feb, March, and April (to date) by ~0.1C ⬆️ 2024 on track to be warmest or second warmest year
Based on first three months of the year and the current El Nino / La Nina forecast, we expect 2024 to be similar to or slightly warmer than 2023. With only 3 months in we can't know precisely where the year will end up, but its virtually certain to be at least the 2nd warmest:
While the uncertainty bars have narrowed as each new month of data has come in, our projection of 2024 annual temperatures has remained mostly unchanged since the start of the year:
Finally, while we are still setting new records over the past three months, the margin by which these records are set is a bit more expected after the peak of the current El Nino event. We are not in the same "gobsmackingly bananas" territory we were in last summer: