
After 2023's "gobsmacking" temperatures, are we returning to a more predictable climate in 2024? I explore the question (and celebrate our 1-year blog anniversary) over at The Climate Brink:
But it would have to be done on a monthly basis some of the single feedbacks have different seasons where they produce the warming signal...
And if it will decline under 1.5°C means not much, as the next jump will be stronger as the evolution of the feedbacks behind the warming in 2023 indicates it - here I listed the causes for the temperature jump in 2023 - studies will find out the order I hope...
Unsere Erde - in Theorie, Beobachtungen und On the causes of the exceptional temperature jump in 2023 First things first: What was special about the warming in 2023 was, that it happened all in the last 6 months, so it was a much larger jump....
January: 1.66°C warmer than the 1850-1900 average February: 1.77°C March: 1.68°C From: ERA5 surface air temperature data set That is what counts - hope your conclusion is not a normalization as the signal was feedback driven so only a small decline will happen - 1.5°C we have now...