ramza saddiq

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ramza saddiq


hindrajab.xyz 🇵🇸

川から、海までへ ❤️🖤🤍💚

Cool Spin
Flip a coin. If heads, he does a cool spin. If tails, he does nothing.

"This does not seem to be a serious person worth arguing with." - popehat
Treaty of Versailles 2: Electric Bugaloo
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
someone's gotta do it to be clear, to be added to the list you (1) need to be german, (2) have a bad opinion you posted on bluesky that I can see. Bonus points if it's a bad opinion on something your country has responsible for (e.g., Israel / Palestine)
spam (woke)
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
a clique of morally upstanding and intelligent people and anime avatars
Biden MAGA Shitlib Republicans
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
biden winning > dead palestinian kids
Bluesky Bigots
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
People who are bigots
mute to mute
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
mute to block
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
users I'm muting for now blocking later
centrist shitlibs
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
tired of hearing from sheeple bleeting what a great liberal joe biden is
bluesky idf
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
genocide supporters
Big Beautiful Blocklist
Moderation list by @heartgold.xyz
Bigots, centrists, Nazis, Republicans, crypto, spammers, and SO MANY WEIRDOS
End of list.