
You do realize I don't need a history lesson for 8 years ago, right? Jesus fuck this again.
I do realize, you know why? I'm both Muslim and an attorney. When the Muslim "ban" was enacted and I went to my large, local airport to volunteer. When people were stopped at the southern border, I volunteered with Lawyers for Good Government to read cases and docs.
I saw a lot of liberals come out and protest at the ban, in my large west coast city, and across the country. They stopped coming out after Biden was elected, although Biden is copying Republican immigration policies wholesale, including family separation.
In fact, the Biden admin just left an agreement on minimums on treatment for those kids in cages.
During the Trump years, as an attorney, I woke up everyday with a 100lb weight on my chest, wondering what was going to happen next. My nonresident alien parents were so scared for being forcibly deported that they got their citizenship after FORTY years.
I got my first white hairs. My diabetes got a lot worse. So YOU don't need to tell ME what it was like in 2016.
I see the evidence every day when I look in the mirror or when I check my blood sugar. I need survive however. My parents survived. And NOW Joe Biden is presiding over the execution of 10K+ Palestinian kids that look like me. He talked about the "ancient desires" of Arabs and Muslims...