
This is very much in line with what many of us have long observed. #NeverVoteConservative #cdnpoli
Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey: Conservative Party supporters in Canada are more likely to believe pro-Kremlin narratives than Liberals and New Democrats, poll suggests
Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: Conservative Party supporters in Canada are more likely to believe pro-Kremlin narratives than Liberals and New Democrats, poll suggests
Often wonder how similar the demographics are that were misled & shared disinfo on Brexit in the UK & also the 2016 US election
Also shared Russian ops and complicit confederates working in unison with those ops.
Yeah. That exactly. Feel like it’s something that will be studied in whatever history education remains in 25yrs. How DOES this happen:
A former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind a network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers. These sites are pumping out fake stories targeting the US election. #disinfo #news
A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at A former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.
all i know is it was horrid to watch this crap take over people's minds on fb and elsewhere. most people STILL don't know they were fed bs about the vaccines. so twisted. i hate this.
We have a generation that has been brainwashed. Even reaching out slowly, w/empathy & common ground you can’t bring them back. IF you get through on one thing it means everything they’ve bought into the last 8yrs crumbles. They can’t go there.
i know. so frustrating. still feel ill will towards family i had to walk away from on this stuff. my niece for instance - just would not listen to reason. when i realized she'd rather listen to some random guy on the internet than to her aunt who loves her and vice versa, i knew she was gone.