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ProudFlorida native. Activist: Strong and persistent voice.
Life is a numbers game. Success comes from taking calculated chances and attempts. Most people don't make enough attempts.
Imagine going to war thinking you’re defending your country’s freedom, killing a bunch of guys defending theirs only to find out you were just a pawn being used by greedy Israeli cocksuckers who hate you and the country you thought you were fighting for
What do you think about the fact that at least 36 people developed a blood disorder and a doctor died after receiving Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines?
An actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it... GIFs Only.... Go
I'm so happy I was raised the way I was, I didn't appreciate it back then, but Babyyyyy the way some yall talk think, speak, get over, scheme, lie, back door, & back stab.. thankful for the integrity, morals & dignity I was taught !!
The average social security check is $1,767 a month. The worst part? 37% of Americans retire with $0 savings. We don’t talk about this enough. Invest for your retirement. Nobody's coming to save you.
I used to think making $1 million was impossible until I started hanging out with people making $10 million. Our biggest limitation is our own mind. You'll become 100x more successful with a circle of friends who discuss investing, entrepreneurship, and building wealth.
A little communication goes such a long way. If you're busy, say it. If you're upset, express it. If you're running late, let people know. If you don't want to do something, be straightforward. If you're unsure, ask. It's so simple yet so important.
My aunt said something profound to me. She said we put too much emphasis on our age. We act as though life starts to end after a certain number. Stop counting and just live your life. Start the hobby, change the career, embark on a new endeavor. You're only as old as you feel.
I've noticed I don't have an issue communicating. My issue is people's responses. It's the lack of accountability and the one-sided perceptions that I cannot tolerate.
My credit score dropped when I paid off my car. My credit score dropped when I paid off my student loans. Credit reporting agencies told me: "You should get more loans to increase your credit score." The system punishes you for not owing them money.
I got people who love me because I'm me I got people who hate me for the same reason.
At your age, what is that one thing you're still unable to do?
Maybe you don't exist in the future you're worrying about.
One of my friends got in therapy recently and now he cutting people off left and right 😭
Life expectancy is 77. Retirement age is 67. 50 years of work to enjoy 10 years? Let that sink in for a moment. We need to shift this mindset. Retirement is a financial goal, not an age.
Never could figure out why record profits never equaled record wages, it's like trickle down economics was a lie.
I met a transgender 6th grader today who's family is considering applying for asylum in Canada because of the threats she's gotten. They already had to leave their home state of Texas. We can't call ourselves a free country until everyone can exist as themselves without fear.
Starting a business is hard. Entrepreneurship is hard. Real estate is hard. Becoming wealthy is hard. But working a 9-5 job your whole life is a lot harder. And not having money will be the hardest. Life is hard. Choose your hard. There is no easy way.
Defending somebody then experiencing why nobody likes them is so humbling
Everyone talks about long distance relationships but no one talks about long distance friendships. Sometimes you just want a spend a day with them.
It's attractive when your partner can educate you on topics you lack knowledge on. It's a different kind of intimacy.
What's the smartest thing you've heard come out of a doctor’s mouth?
When it comes to budgeting, I can cut down my spending on clothes, I can cut down my spending on trips, I can cut down my spending on most things... But what I can never seem to cut down on is spending money on food!😅
I heard three words from the President tonight -- he’s all in. And so am I. @JoeBiden’s had our back. Now it’s time to have his.
We all have that one online friend that we've never met but knows everything that going on in our lives yeah?
The thing you have to understand about fascism is that you'll never understand it. You don't have a need for absolute power that becomes absolute obedience. You're not a sadist. You feel empathy not hate. It's about stopping it, not debating it
"If a person who is a convicted felon can still run for president, then we should be removing that box from job applications"
Nothing turns on a woman more than a man being the man he promised to be
George Floyd once served time in a Texas prison for an armed home invasion. Does this change how you feel about him?