Hen Mazzig

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Hen Mazzig


Israeli. Author: The Wrong Kind of Jew. Son of Amazigh + Iraqi Jewish refugees. Founder The Tel Aviv Institute. Seen/Words: LA Times, NBC, Newsweek, BBC, Sky News & more 🏳️‍🌈🇮🇱🕊️
Today is a beautiful day to remember that being Jewish and alive is a miracle ✨
Because the majority of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa were violently expelled from their birth countries, most ended up in Israel and they make up ~55% of Israeli Jews, they’re known as Mizrahim. Today Israel is the home of the largest community of Mizrahim in the world.
Demolishing a Palestinian school is not Zionism. Violence against Palestinians is not Zionism. Oppression of Palestinians is not Zionism. Zionism is believing in the right of the Jewish people to live in our indigenous homeland…doesn’t everyone deserve at least that much?
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For the record my ancestors fought for the Royal family and had to flee to Canada. It brings me no pleasure to tell you this but I am as God made me.
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I promise to love being Jewish 10x more than anyone hates me for it.
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