
Advice from someone who grew up surrounded by people who think Fox News is too far left: If you find yourself burnt out and overwhelming by feeling like the lone non-right wing voice in a sea of red, research your local area for activist or collective action groups to find like minded people 🧵
Groups will connect you w/ others opposing US’s fascist tendencies. These spaces are pluralistic, so there’s a range of views from centrists w/ pet projects, to Libs & SocDems, & all the way to leftists, but you can find others w/ compatible values or at bare minimum people unified against the right
Now generalized advice aside, I’ll start off by listing the ones I recommend most Food Not Bombs - Poor People’s Campaign - IWW (they’ll help you start local unions) - DSA -
Look up local soup kitchens, community fridges, community stores, homeless shelters, offline mutual aid, justice centers, community gardening, etc Join the local queer orgs in your area, ESPECIALLY if you’re cishet For any of this, you run the risk of having to create an local chapter yourself
For instance, I’m in the process of finding people for a community fridge He described really well the process you have to undergo to achieve this goal And he’s right, typically when you create something, you’ll attract like minded people and boom! Now your local area has something
How To Start A Community Fridge (Step By Step Guide) This is a step by step "how to" guide on creating a community fridge!A community fridge is a decentralized community run "free store" that holds free food fo...
Oh and this is the most important part, if you know people who are disabled or can’t work due to disability, try seeking them out. Disabled people are the secret weapon for any good local anti-right community. They are amazing at doing research, outreach, printing out informationals, etc
If you’re still struggling to find pre-existing groups or people who can volunteer, I recommend seeking out religious minorities, because they’re consistently the most helpful with community aid. Your local synagogue, masjid, or gurdwara often do community programs/outreach Ask them for help/advice
đź’Ż to everything you've said. We're not alone and in scary times people need to know this and organize.
I keep seeing people remark on how they live in a rural or conservative region, and I just want to remind people they’re not the only ones who go “oh no my area doesn’t have this or this or this” and give up. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and be the one who starts it up from the ground