
An autistic man was wrongfully convicted 20 yrs ago & put on death row for his kid’s death based on a now discredited theory Hospital staff judged his autistic traits as signs of guilt Read more & Sign here to help stop the Oct 17 execution of Robert Roberson an innocent autistic father #SignalBoost
Stop the Oct. 17 execution of Robert Roberson, an innocent Mr. Roberson would be first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited shaken baby syndrome hypothesis. Act now.
He was demonized and legally penalized for traits he can not help or change. Seeing his lack of eye contact and flat affect being demonized as a sign of guilt of harm and violence hit very close to home to me. Autistic people are often used to smears equating us to serial killers and abusers
A Dr prescribed his daughter w/ meds we now know can be lethal to kids & pinned her death on him A nurse even lied on the stand, fraudulently pretending to be a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner just to vilify an autistic man as a pedophile & abuser, despite NO evidence & her lying about her credentials
What to Know About Robert Roberson on Texas Death Row for a Crime That Never Mr. Roberson’s case is riddled with unscientific evidence, inaccurate and misleading medical testimony, and prejudicial treatment.
This is so messed up, I get the symptoms and conclusion but also we can do so much better now
Also if it was SBS and he’s sufficiently mentally disabled shouldn’t that be closer to manslaughter? Is that death penalty worthy??
They set him up in many ways, including having someone lie about their credentials to paint him as a child rapist, despite the contradicting evidence. Also, he had no evidence of intellectual disability during the trial (I also don’t think he is). The jury itself found him guilty of capital murder
Yeah just gross mishandling all the way down, wtf. Def signed.