
An expert on memory says that humans constantly overwrite their memories, which is why they change as we age.
"until the moment of revelation there is no distinctive mental state that feels like being wrong. Being wrong feels exactly like being right." gosh
Memory does not work like a camera and the idea that it does infects the legal system despite neuroscience telling us otherwise.
it will continue to infect the legal system up and until the very second it stops helping prosecutors get convictions at any cost and without regard for whether the defendant is actually guilty
That said, here is my memory of that event. 4th grade. We are brought into a different room, possibly the library. A TV is wheeled in on one of those multi-level carts. It's one of those big box TVs because it is the 80s. History, we are told, is being made. On goes the TV. Up goes the shuttle...
Please use ALT text. Please. Every time you post an image. The entire point of your skeet is in the image. And plenty of people breezed right by it because they can't read it. Please ALT always. Thank you.
This could have disturbing results if it applies to witnesses in criminal trials.
Eyewitness testimony - most highly valued in criminal trials, virtually worthless in science. 🤔
im a public defender and buddy i got really bad news about criminal trial results
It completely applies to them. An expert I once heard on Radio Lab describes it as our recreating the memory every time we remember it. The act of memory can introduce errors that can completely change it.
They've done quite a lot of research in that area The results are not good...
I cited Loftus's research when writing about the causes of wrongful conviction. It's scary how easily we become certain of stuff that didn't happen
I recall it clearly. I was astride my unicorn…
I once got in an argument with someone on Facebook who insisted the Watergate break-in occurred in 1969, not 1972. A simple Google search would have resolved things, but the person in question was absolutely insistent. Makes me worry about stuff that is less easy to verify.
What I remember is likely accurate by sheer nature of its banality: the launch happened while my second grade class was out at recess, and we got told what happened by our very somber teacher after we went back into the classroom.
I remember feeling quietly upset, but we didn't see it live and so a lot of it didn't sink in until later. Then I saw pretty much every damn bit of footage they released and it's still seared into my brain.
Yes, that's the man, you're honour.
There were celebrations in Jersey City many smart people said.