High Country News

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High Country News


Independent journalism dedicated to shining a light on all the complexities of the Western U.S since 1970.
The Nez Perce Tribe is using solar power to help save the salmon and steelhead populations on the Snake River, and catalyzing clean energy transition to help loosen hydropower grip on the Pacific Northwest.
How the Nez Perce are using an energy transition to save salmon - High Country Newswww.hcn.org The tribe is working to replace the generating capacity of the Lower Snake River dams with solar power.
In a career spanning only two decades, Bernal produced a body of work that constitutes a Chicanx imaginary, a worldview absent of discrimination and marginalization.
The father of Chicano art photography - High Country Newswww.hcn.org Louis Carlos Bernal saw his role as creating art of and for the people.
The new Public Lands Rule established by the Bureau of Land Management prompts employees to account for cultural sites, consider Indigenous traditional knowledge, suggest a co-stewardship agreement, and allow tribes an active role in the management of the ACECs.
What does the BLM Public Land Rule mean for tribal stewardship of public lands? - High Country Newswww.hcn.org The rule offers further pathways for tribes to proactively protect certain public lands.
This month, HCN goes bird-watching, checking up on the health of two fascinating birds. In this issue: 📌Can the Wilson’s phalarope help save UT’s Great Salt Lake? 📌Will the long-billed curlew find refuge on NM’s ranchlands? Ditigal issue now live. www.hcn.org/issues/56-7/
Because of America’s unique way of administering elections, rural elections look very different than urban elections.
What being a rural election official is like - High Country Newswww.hcn.org And what’s worrying one expert this November.
From the building of the Hoover Dam in 1928 to current day’s removal of the Klamath Dams, listen to the flow of water and what it might mean to bring down the nation’s dams.
Audio: Undoing the dams - High Country Newswww.hcn.org Bringing flow back to Western waterways.
There's a severe lack of data on how utility-scale solar installations impact vulnerable pronghorn herds in the Four Corners region; one group of scientists is trying to change that.
The race to understand the risks of the energy transition for wildlife - High Country Newswww.hcn.org Researchers are trying to understand how utility-scale solar affects New Mexico pronghorn.
Ever since I became disabled with the disease at the beginning of the pandemic, the force of Wojnarowicz’s art has hit me like amphetamine.
Learning how to live and die with long COVID - High Country Newswww.hcn.org The late artist David Wojnarowicz’s work has brought me back from the dead.
It’s astounding that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee can solicit a billion-dollar bribe to sell out America’s public lands and not be immediately disqualified or even prosecuted.
Trump vs. Biden on the climate - High Country Newswww.hcn.org The next presidential election will have huge ramifications for the planet.
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Deer 255, a mule deer famous for her yearly 240-mile migration from southwest Wyoming to central Idaho, has died. She migrated farther than any deer known to science.
Deer 255 reaches the end of her journey - High Country Newswww.hcn.org The ungulate migrated farther than any deer known to science.
#Summertime is the best time to catch up on reading. Until July 31 get a digital subscription to #HighCountryNews for $1/month! ✨ PDF copy of the each issue 🗞️ Unlimited access to the latest reporting and stories 📚 Access to 50+ years of story archives ow.ly/GX4x50S7IiE
An essay considers what things might look like if we aim for degrowth and try to bring the natural world back to a past state. It asks: Is our future actually the past?
What if the future is the past? - High Country Newswww.hcn.org Degrowth offers a path for dealing with our serious environmental issues.