
Now Hiring: A No-Man Looking for someone to laugh at me and tell me I'm doing too much.
Like without fail, I post everything relevant to each site. (For example, I can't post a still image to Twitch, so they're spared from my nonsense for now.)
i don't even know what some of these are lol and here i thought having 4 of these was a lot XD
4 *is* lot! Honestly! I think mine stacked so high because I'm, - Afraid of sites disappearing or turning to the dark side - Over time I kept joining sites no one else joined and now I'm too afraid to leave (sunken cost fallacy)
Both are plenty understandable lol Especially the "dark side" thing (looking at twitter with a sad face). I know some people who don't even use twitter anymore because of the whole "X" thing. Unfortunately it's too big for people with a big following to leave behind hhhh