
Dangerous Web-Artist Thoughts Continue: "What if I freed myself from art post frequency quotas until I had a finished comic outlines and chapters of buffer?"
Honest question, just how much of a difference does post frequency matter? =o I've never used sites like tiktok so I don't actually know
Everyone *claims* it matters, even the apps theirselves, but I've never seen a difference. I'm becoming convinced that the worst that could happen from posting when I feel like it, is people unfollowing me because they forgot who I even am or why they chose to follow me.
I think you should post what you want to, whenever you want to! I think that's the healthiest way to engage with social media and your fans! But again, I don't use places like tiktok, so I don't know for sure what it does XD
I won't lie, you might be better off! Posting there feels like a rat race, and scrolling there feels like being in the Wall-E chairs!
Yeaaaah, that doesn't sound like fun to me XD If I'm not enjoying it, What's the point, you know? Art is supposed to be enjoyable
Honestly, I post an update whenever it's ready and I don't think I've ever lost a follower specifically because I'm too slow, if it helps =) I'm small small small time, but I find people are more patient than people give them credit for on the whole