
Hey, any advice on talking to (well-meaning, left-wing) relations who insist that proponents of "divisive" issues like climate change and women's rights need to make concessions to right-wing dissidents who push denialism and misogyny just so that we "meet halfway"?
Interesting! As you know, I’m a big advocate for beginning with something we share and have in common, then bringing in the relevant info. But it has to be something genuine. If we can’t figure out what that is, then we shouldn’t be having a conversation about that issue imho.
That's fair. I share lots of common ground with this person at a gut check level. They're scared taking a stance is the reason that society seems so polarised these days. I'm frustrated because it's my future & rights they want to compromise on (& I don't think that compromise makes a +difference).
Why are they more scared of polarization than standing up for the right thing?