
This is a good thread. I am not sure about describing this as a 'war', but I think that's mostly a terminological point.
This'll be a 🧵 in respinse. It's not that we're in a new cold war, it's that we're in a world war. Putin stated this in his 2007 Munich Security Conference speech. Which everyone took as just him being weird. 1/
Putin's Prepared Remarks at 43rd Munich Conference on Security Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers remarks at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy, Feb. 10, 2007.
Are you arguing with a proper translation of Long Dead Carl? 📣 FORM SQUARE!!!!!! 🤣
Without disagreeing exactly with your correspondent, the problem with calling this a 'war' is that if you allow for this criteria to qualify for that word, then you can argue that every nation state on earth has been in continuous war since the dawn of time, I think.