Hippolyte Lizard

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Hippolyte Lizard


Retirement-age reinventor of self. Loves dogs, cats, music, writing, history, designing stuff, making stuff, food, and more! Politically a radical centrist. SF East Bay native. Stress on second syllable (li-ZARD).
All this staged Trump shooting drama aside, tonight I learned that Gilda Radner was in The Last Detail (which is a great movie). Her first screen appearance, aamof.
One very ominous fact is that for all the prominent Democrats calling for Joe to step down, no one is building up Kamala Harris. Now is the time for them to do so, but they are not. This says a lot about how uncertain everything is.
111 is a magical number! Why are people always complaining?
There are calls to replace Joe with Kamala. If we do, she has to work really hard to become known and to reverse bad impressions. If we don't, people will vote with the assumption she'll be taking over anyway. Why can't they run side by side, yes with differences, to keep Joe but prepare for Kamala?
I'm already, in the first few minutes, not sure I can watch this so-called debate. We have a mumbling corpse on one hand and a continuously hyperbolic liar on the other. Life's too short for that.
To post the Ten Commandments at public schools doesn't violate the 1st Amdt. Schools / PTAs should be able to post all sorts of things they believe to be good for the kids. More important is that, despite the claims of the right wing, none of the Commandments can be made law. Not a single one.
Doubtful about watching The Debate. They are little more than political theater, light on substance, and the perfect forum for The Creature to extract applause with his childish behavior. However! They've improved the format. Lack of a crowd might calm him down. That will make his ignorance clearer.
Why is it the press never asks Trump's supporters how, if he can't handle himself in a minor court case in his own home town, do they expect him to perform well as President?
I don't get why young ladies who are showing themselves in a mirror in reels have to stare at a phone held up in front of their faces. It isn't hard to hold it out of the way and look at the camera lens.
What's funny about Trump et al. trying to get Nebraska to go winner-takes-all in its assignment of electoral votes is that in the big electoral state of California he should want just the opposite.
Kind of a hack (consider the periodical) but absolutely correct in its sentiments. www.usatoday.com/story/opinio...
I used to think the opinionators at Reason a bit too conservative for me, and sometimes they are. But I'm beginning to appreciate them more. "The choose-your-doom game that is American politics continues to be one in which everybody loses." 1/3
I just joined Truth Social, i.e. the American Pravda ("pravda" is Russian for "truth"). Ought to be weird and interesting. Why? I have questions.
Has anyone asked Trump if since he believes a President should have immunity from all crimes committed in office, he therefore supports Biden's right to have him killed? I've missed that conversation and am curious about his and his supporters' response.
Some AI brain is not going to take over the world. Instead, people will use AI to help them with decisions, from what stocks to buy, what socks to wear, what news to trust, etc. Much like television and the Internet, AI is going to make it much easier for the Powerful to maintain and expand control.
The Con Man from Queens clarifies that his commitment to NATO is conditional. "Depends if they treat us properly." I'm not surprised. "Nice place you got here, be a shame if anything happened to it." Pay up, or my pal Vlad will start moving the levers.
If a presidential candidate is legally disallowed from holding the office but not disallowed from running for it, what happens if he wins? Does the victory go to the opponent (the second highest vote-getter) or does it go to his candidate for vice president?
When Trump warns there will be "big trouble" if something happens, this is a clear message to his armies to make big trouble if that something happens.
Post a great album. Nominate? Bah.
Sometimes I read social media and become instantly grateful that I'm not obsessed with keeping up on the news.
The surest way to turn people into sheep is to convince them it's the other people who are sheep.
They need to make a Redsky network too. Then the liberals and the conservatives could visit each other for the polite and respectful debates they so enjoy.
@kafnor.bsky.social I've seen your name a lot in the social network that starts with F, but we only have one mutual friend (Sal). Maybe Paula too but somehow that's hidden. Anyway, I'm guessing you are a misc.writing alumnus. Hi! 🙂