Hot Sauce™️ 🎨🔞

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Hot Sauce™️ 🎨🔞

The Original SJW
33+ She/They/A Problem™️
Artist, Troublemaker, Fat Bitch ♐️🐍
Multi-Shipper for Multiple Fandoms
This page has NSFW 18+ images ‼️

Please help support my caffeine dependency ~
A sketch of the woman who has been living rent free in my head for the last year. She is glorious and I would die for her. #art #sketch #bakersfeildCA
Warmbo also loves Cody's Showdy!! Warmbo might also look like a penbis, but Warmbo doesn't worrry about thaaat. #warmbo #somemorenews #codysshowdy #codyjohnston #art #warmupsketch
Late birthday gift for my friend of her Shifter Monk- Hazel. She is a killer. #art #dungeonsanddragons #monk #shifter #DnD
#lineart of my half of an art trade with my friend - The Patron Saint of Sex Workers! Colors to follow soon~? #art #sexwork #sexworkissacred #catholicsaints #kinda? #nsfw #pinup
Sexually Suggestive
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QRP with your profile pic I have recently been considering a change up. Thoughts?
QRP with your profile pic This encouraged me to finally get around to changing it, so here’s the new one ;D
I ate an edible and it is as strong as I was warned. #ert #art #aweeklate
I am *so mad* about the amount of plaid I have to copy in order to finish this. 😤 #art #wip #bkdk #clueless
another step done for this #wip of my #Paladin in our current #DnD campaign. Her name is Lyndis Venture and she has a unwanted passenger bound up in her psyche. #dungeonsanddragons #art #fantasy #UsvapnaQuori #OathOfOpenSeas
But I do love harpies. Here is one I did a painting of. I also have a tattoo of one on my upper arm I always kind of forget about because she is in a spot I can't easily see.
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Picture of the staff who operate this Bluesky account.
Picture of the staff who operate this Bluesky account.
Finished the sticker design my friend Sadie commissioned from me a few months ago. She does #burlesque and this was her outfit for the valentines performance. #art #stickerdesign #pinup #commission #cowgirl #ladysadie
The card I made for my friend Aya on her 4th birthday earlier this week. Watercoloring in a time crunch is difficult. #art #traditionalart #watercolor #queenofhearts
Some more progress on my current painting - I added a Grouper fish in the background. #reversemermaid #art #traditionalart #acrylicpainting #acrylic #wip
Got another gallery showing in late June, so I am gonna try to paint at least 2 (two) larger canvases before the show. #art #reversemermaid #acrylicpainting #traditionalart #wip
This one is Ruinn- they belong to ! (I realize I should have done the other format for this meme that has bigger frames + less frames.. Ah Well) #art #meme #originalcharacters
Got to draw Tae-hui (aka Fearmonger) who belongs to - I love me some white eyelashes 🤍 8 other slots still open! #art #oc #ocmeme #originalcharacters
The #lineart for a sticker my friend Sadie (Sophie) commissioned of one of her #burlesque acts. Yes- those are tiny cowboy hats as pasties. #art #cowgirl #wip #pinup
Got to draw Tae-hui (aka Fearmonger) who belongs to - I love me some white eyelashes 🤍 8 other slots still open! #art #oc #ocmeme #originalcharacters
Mutuals, give me your ocs! I feel very rusty lately so I need something fun
started a rewatch of Avatar: Legend of Korra tonight- you will probably see more sketches like this. #Korra #wip #art #avatar #LoK #fanart #sketch #LegendOfKorra
This is Ursa- she is a goofy warrior babe who comes from a line of Bear Cultists. She has green eyes and at least 1 missing tooth. She mainly dresses in earth tones.
Akira Toriyama was one of my initial influences in non-Western art- it feels appropriate to dig up this almost 10 year old picture of my OC Ursa channeling her inner Saiyan. #art #oc #ursa
another #wip / warmup sketch of my original characters ~ Ozwald, Ursa, and Rebecca. #art #oc #fantasy #adventure
Congratulations on the 1.5k! My name is Sauce, and I draw/paint fan #art, ocs, and just weird silly stuff (such as birds with human hands instead of wings) ~
trying to draw more of my OCs + more action shots. arm wrestling an orc seemed appropriate for Ursa. #art #oc #musclemommy #fantasy