M.A. Hamilton

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M.A. Hamilton


Trump is indicted in 4 different jurisdictions by 4 different Grand Juries of American citizens.
Retirement accounts have never looked better.
The recklessness of his threatening words have consequences. He just doesn’t think that they will have any negative effects on him. He sees them as a weapon against opponents. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
This ruling has nothing to do with the Constitution and was our Founding Fathers worst fear. They rejected a King with full immunity. They believed that no one is above the law. A compromised court with three appointees by a convicted felon just mangled our Constitution. This fight is real.
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Did you know? When SCOTUS said in 1937 that the Social Security Act was unconstitutional, President Roosevelt didn’t ask people to vote harder in the next election, he told the Supreme Court he’d add more justices until they backed off, which they did. — We can still do that.
July 4 is a patriotic day to celebrate the independence of a free nation. January 6 is the day for domestic terrorists that support a convicted felon.
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Living every single day in fear that your children could be slaughtered with a weapon of war isn’t freedom. It’s madness.
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If Fani Willis had a conflict of interest because a man might have paid for a meal, imagine how serious it would be if Supreme Court justices heard cases related to an election their wives had tried to overturn.
From the iconic Stormy Daniels, “That was fast.”
My iPhone is sopping wet from all the MAGA tears.
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Here’s what I want to know: Why did Al Franken and Katie Hill have to resign but Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are still in Congress?
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Everyone knew about Harvey Weinstein. Everyone knew about R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, and Jeffrey Epstein. Everyone knew about the Catholic priests. Everyone knew about Donald Trump. I’m so tired of people protecting rich perverts, keeping their dark secrets for decades. So damn tired.
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The fact that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife was one of the organizers of Donald Trump’s armed insurrection should be mentioned every time SCOTUS is in the news, IMHO.
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Right now seems like a good time to remind everyone that Donald Trump’s first impeachment was for withholding military aid from Ukraine until he could extort its president for dirt on Joe Biden to sabotage our election. #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇸🇺🇦
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Did you know? The word “trumpery” appeared in the 15th century with the meanings “deceit” or “fraud”. 100 years later, it was being applied to objects of no value. Then in the 1900’s, it came to mean “showy but worthless”. Today, it is equated with “treasonous shitweasel”.
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For anyone who still thinks we shouldn’t prosecute Trump and his co-conspirators because their insurrection failed, consider this: there is no such thing as prosecuting a successful insurrection.
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Sorry to go on about this, but it's is so funny to me. 12% of people under 30 who opt into online polls claim they have a license to operate a nuclear submarine. So do 24% of Hispanic people polled by Pew. The actual number of people who have a license to operate a nuclear submarine is 0%.
President Biden wins - Violent crime has dropped to a 50 year low - Unemployment is at a record low - Markets are at a record high - More Americans have health ins. - Producing more energy than any time in history
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What did Jim Jordan and James Comer know, and when did they know it? It’s high time for Democrats to Benghazi the shit out of these traitors.
Trump is not above the law. That reality is causing a melt down among the cult.
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Vladimir Putin's dictatorship is what full presidential immunity looks like
He paid $44 Billion to support a losing cause.
Twitter is an endless scroll of MAGA tears today. It’s unbearable. Thank goodness Blue Sky is an alternative.
E. Jean Carroll Leticia James Fani Willis Women will hold Trump accountable while Republicans cower.