
Everyone has noticed how radical Mike Lee has become in recent years, but not enough have noticed how dumb he is.
I think the thing I’m most disappointed about is that the first thing I noticed about the pic is that it’s a Mormon hymnbook…
how can you tell? I'm a bit surprised they'd include it.
The dimensions of the page, the font, the way the music looks… idk I grew up in the Mormon church so apparently I can spot the way those hymnals look from a mile away. But yes, this is definitely in there, along with some other oddities.
You can apparently look up their hymns on their website and see an image of what they look like.
Having grown up Mormon I now have " we will follow sacrament with _____ which you can find on page __" in my head now .. and it's so vivedly engrained.
I was at a Mormon funeral yesterday and I had soooooo many flashbacks
I was at one last year, all people kept screeching about is how they couldn't wait for the funeral potatoes. And then again when they didn't have any because the person they were supposed to be morning hated them xD Like.. what?
Dude what?! Just another bit of proof that Mormon funerals are not about the person who died at all.
quick question: who supplies the food? is it not sort of a potluck type thing and anyone could have brought them?
It is generally provided either as a potluck or by the Relief Society. But it sounds like the dish wasn’t brought because the deceased wasn’t a fan of it so they were acting out of respect, but then the other attendees were complaining about it because that dish is expected.
It's like -the- dish. It's so fucking weird.
Like everything Mormon it's generally "volunteer" (voluntold) work. Someone says hey I'll do the food prep. In this case it was some of the relief society sisters of I remember correctly
Can confirm. I can tell it's a Mormon(+1 for Satan) hymn book because of the way it is